Sunday, September 30, 2007

I love Rio

- I was 10 past noon, and the mall was quite empty. And I saw these two young men walking side by side, embracing each other! In Rio de Janeiro! 2007! I don't think I ever saw it before, man! Fantastic!
- Yeah! I was on a bus early in a monday morning, going to work. And as I was about to get off it, descending through the backdoor, I saw these two young men tongue kissing in the last seat!
Every day I love Rio more and more!


I open my eyes. 5 a. m. Jerk off. Stop before shooting. Food and vodka. To the club. 7 a. m. Great beat. Too crowded. Go upstairs. Nice surprise! She's cooling down. Her friend is sweet. Chat up. Go downstairs. Wave to the DJ. Dancing alone. Eyes closed. I feel great. People bump into me softly, as they make their way or jump around. I feel fingertips tapping on my chest to the music. Is it her? No, just some girl that doesn't like bumping her way through. How nice to see that people still do it like that!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

tripping the funeral fantastic

- What about Death at a Funeral?
- It's a riot! Great dialogs and plot twists, played very well by the cast. It really shows you how bizarre can a funeral get. And Alan Tudyk is absolutely hilarious as the spaced out guest. Don't die on me without seeing this one first!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 118)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Mauro Espíndola. Looking at the picture, I remember the backlight. Two human figures facing each other. We see their profiles, and they are standing on their toes. But they look a bit like an x-ray picture the colour of gasoline. Somewhat like the people dying in a nuclear flash, the way you see it in the movie The Day After. The shape of it resembles that of a cheap coffin built for two. Very good!

not quite my führer

- What about My Führer - The Truly Truest Truth about Adolf Hitler?
- It made made laugh out loud a couple of times. But I really think they should have gone all the way and make Hitler look as ridiculous as Saddam Hussein in Hot Shots! Just because what Hitler did was horrific, it shouldn't stop us from manic laughter. The Cuban Missile Crisis was serious as hell, but that didn't stop us from laughing with Dr. Strangelove.
- Talking about strange loving, we should do that thing we did yesterday one more time!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Madeleine in Rio

- What do you think that really happened to Madeleine McCann? I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that her parents murdered the girl! Even if only by accident!
- No way, man! Madeleine McCann is in Rio! Her parents helped her to vanish and live her dream of being the DJ in the hot dance music joint La Chica!
- Why would she need to vanish to do that?
- She owed 9 hundred thousand euros to candy dealers, man! It's all on the alternative news websites! Just learn to use this pricey cell phone you just got hold of, for bleep's sake!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 117)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Alice Miceli. I just want to add that the people you saw on her video were all murdered by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. In Prison S-21, only 7 survived out of 14.000. So I guess she is saying FUCK COMMUNISM. Good show!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

going downtown

- What about Dasepo Naughty Girls?
- This movie must be the best thing that ever happened to South Korean democracy! If there is any better comedy at that, I want to see it now!
- No! I mean the girls! Are they legal?
- Fuck it, man! You are in Rio de Janeiro! You can get any 18 years old whore that looks younger to dress up as a school girl an spank your ass red! They will even LOOK ASIAN for you, man! Just go downtown and leave me be!

Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm lurvin' it

- It works like this: I go around with a bottle of hard liquor and some plastic cups, giving out free drinks. I tell people I'm a brazilian scientist working for the ANIB, the National Agency for the Irradiation of Booze (Agência Nacional da Irradiação da Birita). And that we are doing an experiment to see what happens when the mind of a human being goes to outer space. They usually agree to participate.
- Man, I love Contemporary Art!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

all hail the bossy bottom

- What about The Boss Of It All?
- I liked it a lot! I hope Von Trier does some more comedies with scenes showing people getting fucked from behind and enjoying it that much!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 116)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Alexandre Sá and Daniela Mattos did this thing called Diálogos, which means Dialogs. They were drawing on silk paper, or whatever you call it in english. It's papel seda in portuguese. They were using pens of many colors, and asking for people to do some drawing or writing, without speaking, and then they crumpled it into a flower shape and left it on a corner inside his installation. Good show!

a little more realistic pillow

- Did you like it?
- Well, it was nice to see some canadian cock on the big screen! And I could certainly feel for the girl, who got a little confused when her happy aimless fucking lead her to meet a special man! In a way, it was a romantic drama with some more realistic sexuality, and maybe even a happy ending! You watch it and decide!
- I'm not sure the title Lie With Me is a good omen as to my liking this movie!
- Well, I can take you to my place and make you suck my dick! That would certainly be even more realistic than the scenes you won't see!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 115)

- Posiçaõ 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- I will only mention the ones I have something to add about, OK? For example: looking at the pictures of Adriano Melhem's paintings, it didn't occur to me to say anything else, because I've already said I like them, and why. So, moving on to Alessandra Vaghi. Her painted silk works were very good! She called them Contra-ponto, which means Counterpoint. She hanged them out on a line, like drying clothes, during TV Zona. They were photographs embroidered into painted silk, and she left the needles hanging from the lines, it was all in your face! Neat!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Frenchie's angels

- So, how was Exterminating Angels?
- The lesbian sex looked more real than in other movies! And it was fun to watch the emotional pain, and listen to the enigmatic radio voices! Lezzie porn with a plot! Good show!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

how cold

- How could you make me wait for you to arrive outside your building during the rush hour? All those crowds!
- Oh, God! You could've died of laughter!

did you

- Did you see the nazi gang in Israel?
- Intolerance is getting dumber all the time!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

no terrorist

No terrorist material found on the text below. Just your regular religious speech.
Não importa se é científico, gente! O que importa é que a próxima ditadurazinha evolucionistazinha vai querer quebrar o record, matando mais gente que Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot e Suharto juntos. Pra isso, vão mandar matar qualquer um que já usou óculos, ou fumou qualquer cigarro, ou esteve na presença de algum fumante, ou teve gripe mais de duas vezes na vida. Assim vão tentar construir um mundo de gente forte e saudável, e vão se ferrar bonitinho, porque tem sempre alguma coisa imprevisível nesse mundinho de infinita complexidadezinha. Tipo os fracotes cobrirem Dresden de bombas incendiárias e ainda por cima jogarem mais duas atômicas nos japoneses. Realmente, só o humor constrói! =)