Monday, April 30, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 32)

- Posição 2004: Ana Torres.
- Well, I din't see it all, only the postcard photos. I understand there were also paper poster billboards in the city. So it was like her work was the bigger fractal image of the art show. Not that it was about the show. I understand the billboards were bigger pictures on the same series. Maybe the same pictures on the postcards. I remember liking the photos, and I certainly loved the idea. What I really remember clearly is the idea. I don't mean the idea or ideas she was trying to convey. I don't know what they were. I mean the idea of showing the images just that way. Great!
- So that's another one you don't understand but like anyway.
- I think she told me once, and I just smiled like I understood what she was saying. Maybe some day I will understand what she meant, but that won't stop me from understand it my own way right now, and enjoying myself in doing so!
- So tell us more about your understanding of it.
- Well, it just calls your attention to the media she was using. It's like making a movie about making a movie. I guess it's never been done quite like she did it. And even if it turns out to be not that new an idea, I'm fine with it. I sure had fun making contact with that specific piece of art, and that is also very important in contemporary art, for me.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 31)

- Posição 2004: Ana Holck.
- One of her best works! Because the walls were close together, the black adhesive plastic was quite at its limit of tension. Two black rectangles facing each other on the walls. Two longer black rectangles facing each other in the air! That means an air brick drawn with black adhesive plastic. I think she sees it as painting in the air. I like the idea, and specially this resulting installation.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

usual nuts

Excerpt: we have concluded that the phrase O MEU TRABALHO DÁ DIREITO A UM ADICIONAL DE INSANIDADE is NOT a coded order for a terrorist cell. The guy's job IS driving him a little nuttier than his usual.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 30)

- Posição 2004: Alexandre Vogler.
- OK. He did this joke drawing called ME AND THE GREAT MASTERS OF ART, or something like that, which was basically this empty paper with the logo for this newspaper stand collection of books about painters, you know? You buy them every week and get them bound afterwards. Anyway, there was this empty space on one side of the drawing, and just the logo on the right side. I guess the empty space meant he is not as famous with the tabloid crowd, and maybe even that he doesn't care for fame that much, either. A bit like visual noise laughing at it all. Nice going!
- Amália Giacomini.
- Great! She did this piece with white elastic lines drawing a grid well above the pool, like the inner patio was some cosmic greenhouse. And then there was this line coming down to touch one of the edges of the pool. It was this visual background drone music, that kept resurfacing into your field of vision. Good show!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

net value

- So I get to have lots of careless sexual pleasures when I get to Paradise?
- Yeah! And free access to the whole internet!

Different kind of heaven

There's nothing like pissing on a corpse that you have just fucked the remaining blood out of.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 29)

- Posição 2004: Alexandre Sá.
- He did this installation that included nails and hammers and empty metal frames and texts written on the wall and pamphlets, and I remember one day he was going around the show with this rubber stamp, asking people to let him stamp them on their arms, and I agreed to be stamped, but asked for it to be on the fabric of my cotton jacket. I don't know what his work was about, but I guess it was something about art imploding itself with self-references, and he looked like he really meant it, so that's thumbs up for him, in my humble opinion!

nazi panthers want their mommies

This drawing shows a hitler-like white man with a huge black power hairdo, doing the nazi salute, with a speech balloon that reads "MOMMIE!"

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 28)

- Posição 2004: Alexandre Ferreira.
- Right. He did one funny piece that was a small wooden box with loads of fake money. I can't recall if it was Monopoly money. I think it looked like miniature brazilian money. Maybe I'm an absent-minded patron, but I think the main thing was showing people the money at a high art exhibition, you know? Like Andy Warhol is dead for years now, and people still can't face the fact that art is about money, too, because it is about every single bit of real life and the fantasies that go with it! I think he was just reminding all of us that we are material people in a material planet. For my money, that's a fine piece of art!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Say the word that sets you free

- Which word?
- Find yours! Everybody's got to find it alone, you know!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 27)

- Tell us about Gabriela Noujaim's work at Posição 2004.
- A beautiful aggressive installation of gesso on the floor with broken glass pointing up and red roses over the broken glass, like some gourgeous floating wounds. Kind of gives you shivers. Very good!
- What about Adriano?
- He did some quite expressive painted portraits of Rubinho e Força Bruta, a band I didn't know about at the time. Well, in fact, I still haven't heard their first album. But the painting looked like portraits of personal friends, and since the album was not out back then, it was perhaps quite daring to just forget about direct politics and aesthetical questions and just painting what he wanted to paint, even if it would leave the viewers puzzled. It certainly felt like that to me. And I like it. Maybe it sounds too much like the egomaniac side of Transvanguarda, but I don't care. I like the paintings, period.
- And what about Alberto Saraiva?
- Oh, he did a very good installation of a breakfast table with small surveillance cameras and monitors mixed into the empty, pristine clean tableware. It reminds me of that story that says that Warhol suggested to Lou Reed that he should write a song about paranoia, which was supposed to be the subject most in touch with the cultural climate of the sixties, the way Warhol saw it. That's supposedly how the Velvet Underground got to record Sunday Morning. Anyway, I think Alberto Saraiva turned collective paranoia into a thing of beauty. Good show!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

You WILL sleep

'Cause we know that where there's fanny
He'll be there!
He'll be there! On the sea! On the land! In the Ass!
Believe me: sleeping happens all the time, and it's been going on for ages. It's quite possible that someone has slept some time in the past right where you're seated! Lot's of people are sleeping somewhere in this world right now! And there's nothing you can do about it! They are having sweet dreams! Yes! They are neither working nor worried sick! Oh, I know that millions are killing themselves with lack of sleep and overactivity! Yes, it is a nice vibe all over the planet, all this restlessness! Give them candy, coffee, tobacco, amphetamines right up the neck's veins! It is no use: sooner or later they will sleep! Maybe forever, but they will. And so will you! You cannot stop this for your life! OK, maybe there are a couple of monks out there who can feed on sunlight and live for 5000 years, and never sleep. Maybe you are one of them! Maybe you don't miss it at all! You are immortal, and you don't know what food is for some ten thousand years, and you don't need sleeping either, for life feels like a dream already! People are strange and amusing to you! Even though you can remember every single thing, you are not bored at all! But then, maybe you will want to wake up someday! And you will hear a voice in your head, that sounds familiar (but you cannot place it!), and it will tell you to just close your eyes and let yourself AWAKE.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 26)

- Tell us about the work of Adriana Heemann at Posição 2004!
- I don't know, man! I think I'll have to ask Gê to give me their projects, so I can refresh my memory! I think what she did was a group of black and white drawings that were shown in the basement. They were small and pretty intense. Not figurative, but black shapes that just looked at you right in the face. Maybe they were done with black paint over some thick white paper. I just remember the feeling of something ominous about those black shapes! Like some droning Noise Rock thing. Eerie and neat.

from a letter to my father

A vida é o presente encontrado no instante.
(Life is the present found in the instant)
(Or something like that)
Um dia tudo isso será sonho

Sunday, April 08, 2007



Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 25)

- Tell us about Cleantho Viana at Posição 2004.
- His work was fun like a terror movie. It was outside, under one of the open-air verandas. It was a greysh white carcass made of bamboo or something. It looked like a human-shaped phanthom lying on the floor, with snakes or giant worms coming out of it. As you came closer, you noticed the snakes were like vertebral columns made of light brown wood. Bamboo, I was told. He does this green-friendly bamboo stuff, aside from photos and videos and other things. Anyway, it was weird fun awaiting you as you approached the building to enter the art show. It was far enough to scare you for a split second. Then you realised it was not moving, so you felt safe enough to check it out. He used the perfect spot for it.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

explained at last

The real reason is not money. People get jobs so they can tell their Mom and/or Dad that, even though they are loving the conversation, they must be off to work.

Baseball bat effect

- Some angry fans might come after you with baseball bats after that last post!
- But I love the Ramones! Their fans should be able to take a joke! If not, they'd better bring their firearms and know how to use them things! Just in case!


Cabrones: Their Big Hits
1. Dickfreak Bop
2. Eat on, You Brat
3. Judy Eat Me Spunk
4. I Wanna Kiss Your Boyfriend
5. Chain Fuck
6. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Smegma
7. I Don't Wanna Go Down In the Basement
8. Largemouth
9. Banana Affair
10. Listen to My Dick
11. 53rd Eat Turd
12. Let's Bend
13. I Don't Wanna Fuck Around With You
14. Today Your Glove, Tomorrow Your Wipe

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 24)

- What about Aimberê Cesar at Posição 2004?
- He was the Master Without Ceremony of TV Zona, which translates as Chaos or Mess TV. That was one of the collective performances inside the empty pool that was occupied by bobN and his guests. I've read about his Zen-Nudism philosophy and thought it very progressive. And I've seen some of his works elsewhere, and liked them a lot. As for that specific day in the pool, all I can remember is mixed images. I believe they held a pic-nic breakfast, but maybe I'm just confused about the groups and days. People were selling art objects and doing poetry shows and performances. Maybe it's not new, but it certainly felt like they were being true to themselves. Like the performances were just a little exaggeration of their perceived true selves.

I swear I saw her underpants

- It was just a split second of this mad latina dancer show in the middle of DOWN ARGENTINE WAY, but I swear I saw her panties!
- I'm sure you did! Don't worry: it's just Hollywood's way of checking if you're really paying attention to the movie! Like a wake-up call!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 23)

- Tell us about Márcio Botner and Pedro Agilson at Posição 2004.
- That was another great one! As you went upstairs to enter the building and see the art show, you saw this naked female ass facing you. There was this naked woman on a short plain white round pedestal facing another pedestal with a computer monitor. The monitor, if I remember it well, showed a video loop of a camera doing a close-up of Botner, with the camera going around his head, so you could see him the same way you could face the model's face from various angles, for there was enough space between the pedestals for people to wander. She was a very brave lady, standing there naked in front of a huge crowd, staring mostly at her "twin" moving electronic image. I mean: some 3 thousand people passed through the entrance and saw her that night! Later, Botner draw a line around her feet, to sort of mark where she stood, and the pedestal was empty for the remaining days of the show. Now, I can't say I know what Botner and Agilson meant with this piece. But it was remarkable in its stark and simple arrangement. And I liked her brown hair and short haircut very much, and found her ass quite beautiful.

Grindhouse scandal

- Jeovah fuck! Look at this! This new movie, GRINDHOUSE, is supposed to be made of two films and four fake trailers, like a grindhouse double feature. Now I hear they are going to show the movies separately in most countries outside the United States! Let an army of day-glo pink well-hung Krishnas come down from Heaven and fuck their dead in the ass! People should have at least the chance to choose the version they want to see! But no, they won't give them any chance at choosing! And then they will get pissed when the young crackers steal their movie and show it for free all over the web, in its unadultered version! Nice business strategy, guys! This is surely gonna land you a box office hit!
- Maybe some of their dead actually like it in the ass! It's pretty nice, if the man or woman giving it to you really knows how to do it!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 22)

- And what did Claudio Montagna show at Posição 2004?
- This big collage picture of a headless naked man. Life-size, if I remember it well. It was all made of pieces of small color pictures of corresponding body parts. Small feet forming the feet, small legs forming the legs, and so on. And the crotch part was this beautiful chaotic round mandala of penises. I loved it!

Rio name game

- What were the names on the blisters you you saw lying on the side street?
- The morphine sulphate 30 mg was called Dimorf. The 5 mg laxative I could not read clearly, but I believe it was Lactopurga, or something like that.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 21)

- What did Bernardo Damasceno show at Posição 2004?
- A miniature green park bench, like the ones they have in Lage Park. Made of painted matches, standing on a plain white pedestal. He called it UM BOM LUGAR. That means A GOOD PLACE. I think he was trying to make us pay attention to the bigger picture. There was the art show happening in and around the bulding, and then there was the larger circle of the park itself, like a beautiful sensorial background engulfing it all.

Friday, April 06, 2007

bad junkie and good junkie

At the side street today, I saw this: an empty blister pack for 30 mg tablets. 10 tablets total. Morphine sulphate. And then I saw another one. This time a sixer blister for what looked like 5mg doses of a common laxative. I wrote it down while kneeled in broad daylight. It was early and deserted. Now they are gone. The rest of the litter remains. So maybe someone saw me. Maybe it was just someone with cancer. Maybe some nice junkie. If it was a bad junkie, I'm glad I got this written in here. I love Rio in the Fall.

This comment DEFINITELY contains SPOILERS

I liked CAIXA DOIS even more because, in the end, the guys that were not the ones who started the money laundering or whatever it was, the poor ones, they got the millions. It is a movie, so there's no need to make them absolutely honest heroes. And I liked MEET THE ROBINSONS even more, because i just love this freaky joyful sexless workaholic stuff that some american movies sell! If you are in a kinky mood, you can always tell yourself that they are all closet fetishists. You can even imagine they are out there having some deliciously weird sex in some alternative universe version of the movie! Just don't tell me anything unless I ask you! In fact, don't even talk, unless you're spoken to! Do you understand? Good!


- You must remember that the right to life is a human right.
- OK, so lock up all dictators for the rest of their lives! If you think that's more humane than facing the firing squad, so be it!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 20)

- What about André Makarenko's work at Posição 2004?
- This one I watched quite a few times! I can't say I understand it, but I loved some of the images! And the colors! I don't care if it has been done before! And even if you prove it to me that his politics are clearly stated and highly questionable, it was a fun time watching his couple of strange collages of images! I mean: I hate nazism! But I can appreciate the genius of propaganda movies like Triumph of the Will and Olympia!
- You think Makarenko is a nazi?
- No, I don't think he's a nazi! I'm just saying that, if I ever find out some totalitarian inclinations in him, I still will remember those videos as fun!

Weirdos 98

Psychosoft: where do you want to grope today?

Asshole Computers Inc.

Stink Different



Code boys check this please

Entrei num bonde e esporrei na manivela
O trocador filho da puta me jogou pela janela
Caí de lado com o caralho esborrachado
Uma neguinha bem nuinha me levou pro delegado
O delegado tinha cara de viado e um jeito de urubu
Mandei tomar no cu

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 19)

- The complete list of artists at Posição 2004? Man, they have this at the EAV site! And it's gonna like totally suck to read!
- First of all, this is the ENGLISH translation of the list! And even the Bible has some boring parts, and it's been a best-seller for ages! So here it goes: Adriana Heemann, Adriano, Aimberê Cesar, Alberto Saraiva, Alexandre Ferreira, Alexandre Sá, Alexandre Vogler, Alice Miceli, Amália Giacomini, Ana Angélica, Ana Biolchini, Ana Holck, Ana Paula Andrade, Ana Sarmento, Ana Torres, André Alvim, André Makarenko, André Sheik, Andréa Facchini, Andreia Carvalho, Anik Meijer-Werner, Anna Braga, Arjan Martins, Baby Bittencourt, Bernardo Damasceno, Bernardo Pinheiro, Beatriz Petrus, Beth Ferrante, bobN, Bruno Castelo, Bruno de Carvalho, Carla Zaccagnini, Carlos Eduardo Cinelli, Chico Fernandes, Christian Caselli, Cinthia Marcelle, Clarisse Tarran, Claudia Hersz, Claudio Montagna, Cleantho Viana, Cleone Augusto, Cristina Amiran, Cristina de Pádula, Daisy Xavier, Dana, Daniela Fortes, Daniela Mattos, Daniel Biulchi, Daniel Lannes, Daniel Toledo, Deborah Engel, Deborah Levys Epstein, Diana Osward, Domingos Guimarães, Ducha, Edna Kauss, Eduardo Berliner, Eduardo Mariz, Eduardo Costa, Elisa de Magalhães, Felipe Barbosa, Fernando de La Rocque, Florence Belfort, Franz Manata, Gabriel Fonseca, Gabriela Noujaim, Gê Pinheiro, Geraldo Marcolini, Guga, Guido Lobato, Gustavo Oliveira, Gustavo Prado, Heleno Bernardi, Isabella Marinho, Isadora Bonder, Ivana Martinez Vollaro, Ivani Pedrosa, Jacqueline Siano, Jacqueline Vojta, Jaya Pravaz, Joana Traub Csekö, João Mansur Anache, Julia Limaverde, Julia Traub Csekö, Júlio Rodrigues, Khalil Charif, Laura Burnier, Laura Lima, Leila Amaral, Leodgard, Leonardo Videla, Lucas Weglinski, Lucia Laguna, Luciana Duque, Luis Andrade, Luiz Lopez, Mabel Spinola, Maíra Ribas, Marcelo Lins, Marcelo Moraes, Márcia Lisboa, Márcio Botner e Pedro Agilson, Marcio Ramalho, Marco Antonio Portela, Maria Nepomuceno, Mariana Leal, Mariana Manhães, Marilá Dardot, Marina Kosovski, Marta Santiago, Matheus Perpétuo, Mauro Espíndola, Maya Inbar, Miri Felix, Miriam Pech, Moana Mayall, Nadam Guerra, Natalia Warth, Ni da Costa, Nice França, Nicholas Martins, Paula Erber, PaulaGabriela, Pedro França, Pedro Meyer, Pedro Seiblitz, Rachel Castro, Raíssa, Regina Marconi, Renata Lucas, Rosa Oliveira, Rosana Ricalde, Roselane Pessoa, Ricardo Maia, Romano, Ronaldo Lyrio, Sami Khozam, Sandra Schechtman, Sara Ramo, Silvia D, Sonia Meilman, Sueli Araujo, Tânia Bonin, Tania Queiroz, Tatiana Blass, Tereza Costa, Thiago Rocha Pitta, Tiago Porto, Tissa Valverde, Tomás Ribas, Victor Haim, Willy Reuter, Zelia Villar, Zúñiga, and the Groups: Em que Posição você se encontrava em 1994? [What was your position in 1994?], TV Zona (colaboração Guga Ferraz, Yoav Passy, Maurição e outros) [with colaborations from Guga Ferraz, Yoav Passy, Maurição and others], Grupo Um, Círculo do Sol (org. Ane Vilete, Camila Soares e Lívia Diniz), and Edifício Galaxi.

Please have the code boys check this

[Educational Project]
Tomei um avião pra Santa Catarina
No meio da viagem acabou a gasolina
Pulei de pára-quedas, pára-quedas não abriu
Mandei o fabricante para fora do Brasil
No meio do caminho encontrei um urubu
Tomando Coca-cola e arrotando pelo
Coelhinho, se eu fosse como tu
Tirava a mão do bolso e botava a mão no
Colete de alfaiate é uma roupa de manga curta
Diga ao seu colega que ele é um grande filho da
Pudera eu ser casado com uma boa pra chuchu
Depois do casamento eu botava no seu
Coelhinho, se eu fosse como tu
Tirava a mão do bolso e botava no outro bolso

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 18)

- What about Pedro França in Posição 2004?
- Well, I hope he has got some pictures of his installation, man! There was at least one that ended up in Jornal do Brasil the next friday. He got this room in the basement, with raw concrete serving as a floor, if I remember it well. What he did was building this shady ambient with an old and small round table, two chairs, and an old teapot, and two teacups. It was all empty, like some darkened stage or time warp you just stepped into without any warning. And then it felt funny, like you were backstage to the art show. Kind of puzzling and warm. Whatever it was, I liked the feeling.



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Picture of one human about to

kiss another human in the anus. The caption reads as if he or she is singing: Por onde for quero te chupar!