Saturday, April 21, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 27)

- Tell us about Gabriela Noujaim's work at Posição 2004.
- A beautiful aggressive installation of gesso on the floor with broken glass pointing up and red roses over the broken glass, like some gourgeous floating wounds. Kind of gives you shivers. Very good!
- What about Adriano?
- He did some quite expressive painted portraits of Rubinho e Força Bruta, a band I didn't know about at the time. Well, in fact, I still haven't heard their first album. But the painting looked like portraits of personal friends, and since the album was not out back then, it was perhaps quite daring to just forget about direct politics and aesthetical questions and just painting what he wanted to paint, even if it would leave the viewers puzzled. It certainly felt like that to me. And I like it. Maybe it sounds too much like the egomaniac side of Transvanguarda, but I don't care. I like the paintings, period.
- And what about Alberto Saraiva?
- Oh, he did a very good installation of a breakfast table with small surveillance cameras and monitors mixed into the empty, pristine clean tableware. It reminds me of that story that says that Warhol suggested to Lou Reed that he should write a song about paranoia, which was supposed to be the subject most in touch with the cultural climate of the sixties, the way Warhol saw it. That's supposedly how the Velvet Underground got to record Sunday Morning. Anyway, I think Alberto Saraiva turned collective paranoia into a thing of beauty. Good show!

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