Monday, March 31, 2008

Calling Raúl

- Cell phones are now legal in Cuba!
- SMS my congrats to Raúl Castro!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Dancing man wearing a horse mask cooks wild mushrooms.

planetary agency for the irradiation of booze

oh so fair warning


Monday, March 24, 2008

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 156)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Ricardo Maia. Flutuações, which means Fluctuations. My computer would not open the CD-ROM files. But I remember the work: very bright colored pieces of fabric hanging from the ceiling, somewhere near the patio, where the wind would gently move them. This guy deserves a prize just for daring to use such bright colors, I tell you. I don't know what he meant, but the results just went straight into your senses! Good show!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

shut up and

- No one is a citizen until it gets outside the womb alive, dammit! The rest is ignorance posing as religion to stop the right of women to get abortions!
- I agree! Now shut up and shoot your load up my ass, already! I'M COMING!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

excerpt about sex in copacabana

Sex in Copacabana, man! Check it on youtube:


Open-Air Sex Plan for Vondel Park

- It's on Bloomberg dot com! Open-Air Sex Plan for Vondel Park, in Amsterdam!
- Yeah, I've read it! Some people are angry, but it looks fair enough to do it behind the bushes late at night, when there's no kids around. I mean: you just KNOW some people WILL do it, so I guess the Amsterdam police are right! They do not arrest anyone unless there is a formal complaint by someone else!
- After midnight? That complaint is just envy!
- No, it's stupid! If you are too ugly, wear a mask and join in, instead of calling the cops!
- Silent Masked Ball in the Rose Garden after midnight? We must tell your goth uncle!

planetary agency for the irradiation of booze

I love her plastic toy

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

x marks the scotch

electrified rail

- Chico Fernandes at Galeria Novembro, man! See it before you go away! There's this short video of him crossing the subway rails, from one platform to the other. The security was nowhere in sight, and the few people present just stood there! Great stuff!

shave ferris

[illegible] wunderbabe right up your [illegible] vocês que são fígados que se entendam [illegible] assim na terra como no créu [illegible] abort. I repeat: abort at zero plus [illegible]

Monday, March 17, 2008

I remember the horse

coffee trip

the green she-male

check: mana white

Go to MySpace dot com and check mana white. Useful info. It means white sista.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

risotto protocol

- What does it mean?
- Free rice for all! It's the joke you would love to see in practice! Let your leaders know you want them to sign it!
- Yeah! Let's buy salt stocks!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 155)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Renata Lucas and Tatiana Blass are on the same CD. I've already told you about them, and the CD has nothing but photos. I can add that the carpet used by Renata Lucas was a very beautiful shade of dark green. As for the paintings of Tatiana Blass, I am shocked to see they are very beautiful, but actually different from my memories. I mean the shapes are not cloud-like. I must have been mixing them in my mind with some photos or memories of other paintings of hers. But some of the bright colors are just like I remember them. Good show!

the drunk soul brother

Please check it orange alert. Fresh info:
Sim, agora está cientificamente comprovado: Marcelo é gente que bebe! =)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

school's in

- No use in just bombing terrorist camps. You must educate the people, to avoid them being recruited as suicide-bombers. If they learn in school that masturbation is NOT a sin and NOT the cause of hair growing in the palm of the hand, they will grow up to be healthy wankers, just like me or you!
- I'm sure the Pope will love this idea!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


[lost part] our operatives inside that underground cell. We found that [lost part] somos dissidentes do judaísmo: pertencemos a uma seita chamada cristianismo, fundada por um grupo de judeus no ano 25 da era [lost part] sai dessa realidade que não te pertence [lost part] I realised she had a pussy under her balls. That was when [lost part]

derrama sobre nós o teu amor

sterilised black hermaphodite

- Do you really believe, as you have said before, that God is a sterilised black hermaphodite with a big dick that can rock your ass into ecstasy to the beat of Rio Funk?
- O cara veio com aquele papo de Jesus, e eu falei: você já aceitou Exu no seu coração? O cara ficou paralisado de susto, e eu saí cantarolando 24 Hour Party People!

risk of suicide for children

- It's on Google News UK! Increased risk of suicide for children taking Seroxat, a bestselling antidepressant drug!
- The manufacturer should stop selling it, and go back to research! Increased risk is no good! We want GUARANTEED kid suicide, or our money back!

cuba libre

- It's been days since Fidel Castro resigned, and you didn't even mentioned it!
- What? You think Cuba is a democracy now, just because of that? Call me again when they ELECT someone, preferrably a pre-op hermaphodite anarcho-democrat! Then I might believe they have a very strong democracy there!
- Oh! Your voice sounds so cute!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 154)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info: next?
- Rachel Castro. A video called 33 Minutos, which means 33 Minutes. I've already told you how much I loved it, specially the way it was shown. Looking at the still from it, I just want to add: it looks like a city block seen from a sattelite. As if it is saying: smile and wave when you look up to the sky, for you are on camera. Making fun of paranoid feelings. One possible way to see it. I believe Rachel Castro actually meant the images to be simply mirrors of the use of technology to create beauty. Good show!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

retro blast

gag reflex

- What is this?
- Well, Sir; as we can see, it is a gag cartoon that shows a white man finding his white wife in bed with a black man. He is asking what does it mean. She says it is the sistema de cotas. She means it is affirmative action. Sistema de Cotas is a Brazilian affirmative action policy of preferred admissions in public universities.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

make sense

- Days of Darkness! L'Âge des ténèbres! What a nice way to use film to show how difficult it can be for some people to try and make sense of life in this post-industrial world! So difficult to really listen!
- Yeah! And that naked woman in the shower! Such a hot ass!

Monday, March 03, 2008

guidon do amor

- It looks like a Brazilian Portuguese translation of LOVE HANDLES, Sir! It can also be found as GUIDÃO DO AMOR. Some people call it PNEUZINHOS, which means LITTLE SPARE TYRES. We believe it means that people are still having sex.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 153)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Pedro Meyer Barreto. Rangda, which is the demon queen of the Leyaks in Bali, as I've just read in the Wikipedia. The Leyaks are a bunch of humans who practice evil magic and cannibalism. His work is a painting using indian ink, dip pen, and gouache on paper. 100 x 74 centimeters. 2004. It feels brand new to me, like I only vaguely remember seeing something like it at the art show. Nice piece of expressionism, really. I thought it was about a war victim, or something, but then I read about the child-eating demon queen of the Leyaks, and it took a weird turn to some ancient fearsome universe. Good show!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

face down

just chew it!

- It's on shortnews dot com/start.cfm?id=68329, you see? This Austrian male officer named Gregor took three months of stress leave, had a sex change, and came back saying now her name is Jasmin! And everybody is OK with it!
- That surprises you? You should go to my solar system! We have a sex change pill there that does the trick in a minute! If you take half the pill, you go intersexual! And you don't even have to stop the fucking to do it! Just chew it and go!