Wednesday, October 31, 2007

you have already heard about God being humor

At first, the object looks like it's made mostly of an emerald with an engraving that says:
Quem não vive para servir não serve para foder.
Our first round of decoding indicates this belongs to a terrorist cell disguised as an esoteric christian polytheistic chaos magic checkers club, or vice versa. We are awaiting the second round of decoding, as soon as the other team is clean and sober enough to be of any usefulness. So raining bullets on them is not yet advised, at least for the next 48 hours. Stay alert.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

mazal tov

- What about your planet?
- Well, 90 % of us are agnostic, and 9% believe in the Church of the Holy Cow. We believe the Holy Cow wants us to enjoy our burgers, but only if we really want to eat them. Most of us do.
- What about the remaining 1%?
- Some are atheists, and some are jewish.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

so kiss me

- It's on Wikipedia! A cisgender person is someone who identifies with the sex he or she was identified as when born! Like a man or a woman who does not identify with the opposite sex, and so is not a transgender!
- Cisgender! That sounds great! Now I can feel like I'm a freak, too! That's sexy!

Friday, October 26, 2007

old white magic

- Holy Warlocks! Dumbledore's gay! It's on Entertainment Weekly!
- Then resurrect the old hot sissy now! I want to taste that gray power!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 138)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Ivana Martinez Vollaro. Portuñol/Portunhol, which means Spantuguese, Spanish + Portuguese, written in Spanish/Portuguese. The CD says it is an Oculist Poem, and it makes sense, for it looks like a detail from an eye chart. It dates from 2000 and is a backlight in black over white. 70 x 50 centimeters. A huge capital letter N, with a tilde (~) that really is a distorted H sideways, so the difference between the two versions of the word is the connection here! Good show!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's a wonderful life

- It's on O Globo today! Lisa Montgomery, who strangled a pregnant woman in 2004 and cut her belly to steal the baby, was sentenced to life in jail!
- That's nice for the jury to think of all those lonely prison lesbian rapists!

Monday, October 22, 2007

clear and present headbanger

The message below appears to be a sign of clear danger of terrorist attacks against the government of Iran. We suspect the Underground Headbanger Tranny Liberation Army (UHTLA) to be the force behind the expected actions. Orange alert and deeper code check are strongly recommended.
O video não rodou muito bem, mas parece claro que ele pinta se lambuzando de tinta e se atirando contra a tela. Se for piada, acho que já vi no filme Art School Confidential. Se for piada e sério ao mesmo tempo, acho legal que ele se divirta fazendo uma espécie de expressionismo
abstrato, e gostaria de ver fotos do resultado final. Se for só sério, acho que ele tá precisando parar de levar tudo na seriedade e ir tomar um drinque. =)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Democracy is fun

- Who is Che Guevara?
- He was the Osama bin Laden of the last century: a romantic idiot that believed he had the right to murder people in order to purify and change society for the better.
- And Adolf Hitler?
- Same crap, only he was elected, and insisted that the jews were first in line to be murdered.
- So, we're better off now that two of them are dead, right?
- I'll answer that when I know the names of the candidates for the next election!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

lollipop revelation

- I understand you are a cross-dresser hag!
- Just shut up and show me your panties, boy!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 137)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Cleantho Viana. Sloughing Off. 2004. bamboo, wire, plaster, sisal and PVA. Approximately 180 x 400 centimeters. Once again: Good show, man!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


- So, did you like the Overdose group's sense of humor?
- Of course! Nihilistic Optimism rules! But never mind the Overdose and the politics of that time, man! I've just heard there's a party going on at the Museum! Let's get practical about our boozing experiment!
- Yes! The future of humanity lies in our pocket bottles! YAHOO!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 136)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Claudio Montagna. His mixed media on canvas Frankenstein was 3 x 1.6 meters good!


- That was the motto of an anarchist student group called Overdose. They were elected to the students' union of the Communication School of UFRJ. That's the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. I understand they never once held a political meeting. No paperwork, either. They were probably viewed as idiotic drug users with a sick sense of humor back then.
- When was that?
- 1983 or something. A very fashionable era, seen from 24 years down the road.
- Why are you telling me this?
- Because it means that, if your liver can stand it, you should just enjoy yourself, man! Time is surely on OUR side.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 135)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Claudia Hersz:

espelho e mdf (medium density fiberboard) [mirror and mdf]
220 (alt) x 180 (larg) x 140 (prof) cms [200 x 180 x 140 centimeters]

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 134)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Beth Ferrante. I just want to add that it was acrylic on canvas. 145 x 145 centimeters.

a load of horseradish

- Did you like the video about fat hairy japanese women that like to eat their own shit with horseradish and cherries?
- I hope they release it again with Taste-O-Rama!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 133)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Some cut and paste and added translation of some info:

André Alvim – Grupo Miolo
“Obra” [Work]
Madeira, nylon e látex [wood, nylon and latex]
230 x 160 x 55 cm
Crédito da Foto: Miguel Hong [photo credit]

Clarisse Tarran – Grupo Miolo
“Me Desculpe” [Forgive Me]
Vídeo-instalação (still) [video-installation (still)]
Dimensões variáveis [variable dimensions]
4 min – 2004
Realização: Júlio Rodrigues, Mauro Espíndola e Clarisse Tarran [produced and taped by]
Edição: Carlo Sansolo [edited by]

Mauro Espíndola – Grupo Miolo
“Maryland W. x J. P. Jernigan”
Caixa de madeira com luz fluorescente, clearfilm e vidro [wood box with fluorescent light, clearfilm and glass]
Dimensões variáveis [variable dimensions]

Crédito da Foto: Miguel Hong e Claudia Hersz [photo credit]

pray before you drink

- Did you see the counterfeit booze gang that got busted selling their stuff to hotels and nightclubs in Rio?
- Se beber, reze! Pray before you drink, my friend!
- Yeah, let's go out on a New Age Booze Spree!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 132)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Just adding some info about Ana Holck. The CD says her work is called Permeio, which means I Permeate, or the act of permeating. Date: 2004. 1.20 x 2.90 x 2 meters.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

cosmic reaction

- It's on Yahoo! News! Scientists find strange molecule in Venus's atmosphere!
- So THAT is where I left it! Great!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 131)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Isabella Marinho. I've told you about it before. I like the way she paints human bodies in shades of gray. The photos of this one surprised me because I forgot it was yellow! Anyway, I like it very much! The bodies are treated both as drama and pattern! Good show!

pretty sure

- Today's featured article on the main page of Wikipedia is the Knights Templar!
- I'm sure there's some hidden message in this fact.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 130)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Guido Lobato. I can't understand a couple of words written on the CD. Maybe it's the title of his painting. I'll transcribe it with stars in the place of the letters I can't read: P*la*e Pintora.
Pintora means Female Painter. It also has a text in a different handwriting saying the photos were taken by Pedro Stephan. The painting is a white humanoid figure over a black field. It could be either a human being or an extra-terrestrial. It is bald, and we can't see its hands and feet, as it looks like a photo of someone dancing ballet past the camera's field of vision. Eyes closed, or maybe looking at the floor. There's a field of gray on the upper right side of the painting, like it's silhouette is parallel to a mountain range behind it. Or it could be a cape flying off. It is very much an expressionist way of showing a rather mysterious being. I like it a lot!
- OK. Next?
- Heleno Bernardi. I've already told you about it. The title is Splenius Capitis, which is the name of a muscle. Look it up on Wikipedia. Size: 300 x 200 centimeters. Date: 2002. Good show!

Pegging Peggy

- Come here, baby! Let's watch some TV!
- Yes, honey! Just wait until I finish getting pegged by the maid!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

brutally squashed

- It's on charonboat dot com! The photo of a woman that was hit by a bus and repeatedly run over by the fast vehicles that followed, until she was completely squashed!
- No use talking dirty to me! I'm staying home and watching some nice clean sexy war news!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 129)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Geraldo Marcolini. He did that cross-stitch embroidery portrait of Mohammed Atta, 9/11 suicide pilot. Date: 2004. 1 meter by 1.4 meter. Title: Atta, Mohammed. Morbid humor alright!

teabagging perverts

- I want you to rub your balls all over my face!
- I've shaved them recently, and they feel spiky!
- OH, YES!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 128)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Gabriel Fonseca. He did those colored metal upsided waving pendulums that were moved by the wind. Blue, red and yellow. Ritual do Vento, which means Wind Ritual. And also a sculpture called Linha Amarela, which means Yellow Line. It was like a big letter C with a spiralling curve on it's lower beak. The line went down a little bit, so the spiral, just the start of it, went around the line a little lower than the lower beak. This part was movable, so you could make it spin. Good show!

eye opening shock

- His sperm hit my eye! It burned like hell, so I screamed and ran to wash it off!
- That's awful!
- No, that's my best orgasm ever!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 127)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Eduardo Mariz. Moribundo Meditabundo, which means Meditating Moribund. Date: 2003. The floppy disk wouldn't work, but I remember it from reading the label. It is a water bed with a "sleeping" black granite plate the shape of a standing man, like the paper ones on a shooting gallery, but without the target. Very good!

fully functional

Dear X,
I said the legless whore had to be a fully functional she-male! She had to be able to pull out of my ass and ejaculate into my left ear! The guy who gives you this note will kill you.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 126)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Eduardo Costa, also known as Cadu. Untitled drawing. 22 by 33.5 centimeters. Since it was twenty years since a very famous art show in 1984, right there at Lage Park, he decided to show something he was doing back there, as a child. So the drawing is from 1984. Three colorful F1 race cars. Great!

cold motel

- No, It's pseudonecrophilia, I think. Or Role Playing Necrophilia, if you like. I don't want to fuck dead people, just someone who will act dead for me.
- OK, but only if I can keep my eyes open!
- Sure! That's scarier and sexier!
- Maybe I could come back from the dead and be shocked to see you doing it to me, right before you come!
- Sounds good!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 125)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Edna Kauss. Prisma 1, which means Prism 1. Weathering steel plates, as I've told you. 400 centimeters by 73 centimeters by 3/4 inches. The round base is one inch thick and has a diameter of 130 centimeters. Weight: 1,238 kilograms. Date: 2004. I think we'll have to go back for some info I forgot to mention about other works. I was mostly looking at the photos.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

the near future

- What about This Filthy World?
- I'm sorry I entered the room when this one was already started! Well, actually no, I'm NOT SORRY! I am very GLAD I saw this one! John Waters does a stand up routine for about 90 minutes, and it's GREAT FUN! He gives us opinions, and stories about his bad taste movies, and does so with great wit! You could say he is a quite frank gentleman living in the near future already. Sounds like we're gonna be having lots of fun in that particular chunk of time! Really, this one is awesome!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 124)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Diana Osward. Trans Posição, which means Trans Position. She's obviously playing with the name of the art show. Three black and white photos in a column. Images of stairs. Possibly from the Lage Park itself. You cannot see where you are going. It looks like it's about the mystery of life. And rhythm. I like the visual rhythm of it. Good show!

see him dance

- What about Like a Virgin?
- Great dramedy from South Korea! Chubby young man wants to be a woman. Hates sports, but has got talent for a martial art, some kind of South Korean wrestling. Realises he could win the cash to have a sex change operation. Touching and funny all the way through! The audience was clapping their hands and cheering at times! And I loved to see him dance!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 123)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Daniela Fortes. Idiossincrasias, which means Idiosyncrasies. A bit like Graffiti Art done on pencil over white paper. Images from the city, the objects, the people. Striving for some kind of unified understanding, perhaps. Good show!

try again

- What about Go Go Tales?
- It was already started when I came into the room, so maybe that helped me to feel a bit cold about it. Maybe it is a very good movie and I will see this when I get to watch it properly. As for now, it looked like a bunch of good actors inside a story that wasn't quite good. I will try again when it comes out on DVD. If you like strip joints, be sure to give it a try, specially if you can see it on a big screen.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 122)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Cinthia Marcelle. Unus Mundus - A Transfiguração, which means One World - The Transfiguration. Two objects and an action. The wall objects were a painted piece of bedcloth or something, about the size of a pillow. White and red thin horizontal stripes that you could easily see. There was also an document saying that she had registered her idea for the work. But the best part was seven couples wearing red and white, and watches. They were supposed to stand among the patrons on the opening night, but in full view of each other. I didn't see it, but the couples were wearing opposite colors, so they are easily spotted in photos. They were helped by alarm clocks, and what they did was to kiss for seven minutes. Then they separated at their own pace and merged into the crowd. Good show!

incisor sister

- What happens if I don't?
- Without proper treatment, your incisor teeth will be seen even if your mouth is shut. Like Jerry Lewis, Freddie Mercury, and some retards.
- Well, since I am going to suck lots of cock and clit sooner or later, let's not waste our time correcting what will certainly be a charming feature of my face!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 121)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Beth Ferrante. Before seing the photos, I remembered her painting for her daring to do something that looked a bit Neo-Expressionist. That probably made some people dismiss her as outdated. Now, I would like to see the painting again. It looks great on the photos!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

call general burkasoff

- It's on BBC Brazil dot com! Women are taking off their burkas on a TV show in Afghanistan!
- Yeah, baby, yeah! Smash my burka!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 120)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Anik Meijer-Werner. Sincro-nada, which means Synchro-nothing, and also Synchro-swims. It was a dance number she did with two other women inside the pool on the night of the 16th of July. They used long blue stretched rubber bands to simulate water, and danced with them, dressed up as swimmers. Very beautiful. Good show!
- You use that phrase quite a lot!
- Yeah! That's what American pilots said to Brazilian ones over the radio in World War Two, as a final compliment on a good hit. You just read Senta A Púa, by Ruy Moreira Lima, and see. They would fly over to see the damage the Nazi Germans took, and would comment it on the radio, and usually saying that at the end, when they liked it: Good show! You bet your life I mean it when I say it! Let me give you the notes on their dancing performance:

Conceito e cenografia [Concept and scenography]: Anik Meijer-Werner

Pesquisa de movimento e bailarinas [Movement research and dancers]:
Camila Fersi
Dora de Andrade
Anik Meijer-Werner

Musica (ao vivo) [Music (live)]: Daniel Ruiz

Cenotécnico [Scenotechnician]: Reynaldo Duarte

That's what I've got to say. And, again: Good show!

Monday, October 01, 2007

what day is it

- What about the Bosnian who tried to enter the U.S. Embassy in Vienna with a backpack full of explosives today?
- He was just arriving early for the Fourth of July!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 119)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- I found out the names of the two girls who spent some hours taping some wood-like adhesive vynil all around the empty pool! It looked like a huge picture frame, the picture being whatever was going on inside the pool! They were Mariana Leal and Andréa Carvalho! The photos show that they even used paint to add golden details to their giant frame! The name of the work was, apparently, Pintura Para Ver de Cima, which means Painting to be Seen from Above. It makes sense, for it looked better when seen from the terrace. On the lower side of the frame, they painted the word Entre, which means Come In, as if inviting people to enter the pool, thus joining the picture. They even had a giant adhesive label with their names and other info about the painting, glued to the floor. Good show!