Thursday, October 04, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 120)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Anik Meijer-Werner. Sincro-nada, which means Synchro-nothing, and also Synchro-swims. It was a dance number she did with two other women inside the pool on the night of the 16th of July. They used long blue stretched rubber bands to simulate water, and danced with them, dressed up as swimmers. Very beautiful. Good show!
- You use that phrase quite a lot!
- Yeah! That's what American pilots said to Brazilian ones over the radio in World War Two, as a final compliment on a good hit. You just read Senta A Púa, by Ruy Moreira Lima, and see. They would fly over to see the damage the Nazi Germans took, and would comment it on the radio, and usually saying that at the end, when they liked it: Good show! You bet your life I mean it when I say it! Let me give you the notes on their dancing performance:

Conceito e cenografia [Concept and scenography]: Anik Meijer-Werner

Pesquisa de movimento e bailarinas [Movement research and dancers]:
Camila Fersi
Dora de Andrade
Anik Meijer-Werner

Musica (ao vivo) [Music (live)]: Daniel Ruiz

Cenotécnico [Scenotechnician]: Reynaldo Duarte

That's what I've got to say. And, again: Good show!

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