Monday, December 17, 2007

Her first in Copacabana

- I did the sensible thing to do: went out to get drunk and dance and snog people I don't really know!
- How was it?
- I kissed three blokes and two gals, and found myself walking the streets of Copacanana with a smile on my face at about 9 a. m. Saturday morning, possibly looking like something from Cartoon Network!
- That much shambled?
- I was fine, believe me! I was able to vomit INTO the toilet, instead of all over it! And I remember the names of every single person I kissed!
- So?
- You want names? OK: first it was this internet shaman guy called Richard, then this student called Angela. We did a triple kiss between us, and they went back to the dancefloor. I was supposed to go with them, but I don't know what. I kissed this guy who said he knew my barwoman friend, who was his teacher. His name was Dario. I slept a bit with my face glued to one of the tables. My friend Sandro gave me a bottle of water. I woke up. I kissed Sandro, and then my friend Evelyn. Or maybe I kissed her first!

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