Tuesday, October 20, 2009

that case

[...] that case. As for the **** subject, the only confirmed sample of message was codewashed a dozen time with not much result. We are positive that it relates to Operation Weissenschwartz. What we still need to figure out is how all this loose info will fit into the bigger picture of the Ubershlemiel Plot, before we can take level b measures. Since operative **** lost his left eyebrow when we had to go EM at the crucialpoint of Operation Sassygeezer, it has been our policy to wash our hands before and after we go to the toilet, always using the paper towels instead of the blowdry machine. I mention this [unidentified] because the latest codewash left us puzzled with the result: eu só quero saber em qual rua sua pica vai me entrar na bunda. That obviously refers to some sort of Finderskeepers type of code, but not one that we know of. We have tried all sorts of Reversed Salsaparrilla Woodpecker Codepolka Maneuvers to no avail. Even the Doppler Palpatation Algor did not work. It does not get any better than this at this point. It would be advisable to get [...]

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