Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I wake up in the shadows. My tent feels warm and confusing. I hear music far way. I hear this woman calling me, but I don't understand my own name. It can't be my wife. I left her somewhere, many rivers ago. I want to go back to my hometown, but I know I have rebuilt it beyond recognition. And I don't know its name anymore, so I cannot ask my way back to it. My soldiers refuse to cross yet another river. They want to go home, but will not leave me here. Without wars to fight, we die from this strange fever. My very best friend died in his sleep yesterday. His eyes were open and he was smiling, and murmured the name of his house before a strange sound emptied the vessel of his spirit. I cried for an entire day. Now I understand the music I hear comes from the distant spheres that move above the house of the Gods. I am crossing the river, going home. A gentle voice thunders all over the sky:

- No more of you sucking my dick after midnight! You jump out of bed NOW, before you are late for work, mister! MOVE!

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