Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 159)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Roselane Pessoa, who painted the translucent glass doors of the toilet stalls of the female bathroom, which was open to anyone during the art show. I remember it as rhythmic calligraphic stuff, like minimalist music by Steve Reich, or Phillip Glass.
Beautiful and a bit disturbing, because of the fact that you had to go in and sit down, if you wanted a closer look. Some info: Título (Title): “para quem está sentado”
("for one who is seated"); Técnica (Technique): desenho sobre vidro (drawing on glass); Dimensões (Dimensions): 2,40 cm. largura (length); 1,88 cm. altura (heigth).
It was sober and funny at the same time. Good show!

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