Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I mean I must be doing this WRITINGDRAWING stuff in four books at the same time and this means it will get even more fragmented and it will surely make things harder to assemble should we ever find some use to these observations. WHEN IN DOUBT JUST GO AHEAD AND DRAW OR PAINT SOMETHING THAT COULD BE CALLED A PHALLIC SYMBOL OR JUST A PLAIN HARD COCK OR DILDO and there were thin transparent gelatin sheets flying between me and the grey clouds my eyes must be too fantastic now the cars seem to be sleeping somewhere else there is no sign of people except a couple of guys I'm not even sure exist outside my mind and there is something glorious about the multitude of greys in the sky and maybe they are secretly laughing about me the bastards but I'm too high to care or even laugh there's so much TO SEE.

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