Friday, August 16, 2019


(...) Start: September 16 [2018] (...) Completed: July11.2019 (...) QUEERMUSEU is a good art show because it EXISTS (...) ASEXUAL AS FUCK [yeah I don't know what the hell is that supposed to mean but it sounded cool] (...) [Sep.28.2018:] Yesterday I played two tracks of about thirty minutes at the same time to make a new song. MELODY LAUGHTER (by The Velvet Underground) and NOISE LOOP (by The Flaming Lips). Let us call it MELODY NOISE. Hit [the PLAY button for] The Velvet [Underground] first (...) ALL THIS WILL DISAPPEAR ONE DAY MAYBE (...) [Nov12.2018:] Today I have finished reading the FIVE BOOKS of the LAW OF MOSES. So now I know the law of FOUR THOUSAND years ago or something. Me and X went to see OVERLORD (Operação Overlord). Good show (...) Haters left and right will have to live with the Milky Way (...) [Nov.29.2018:] Saw EXTERMINADORES DO ALÉM CONTRA A LOIRA DO BANHEIRO. TOTAL TRASH comedy terror (...) [June.28.2019:] Today was a sunny day. Fifty years of the Stonewall Riots. Had a great sweet potato soup for lunch (...) SPY COMEDY MADE OF INTERCEPTED INFO (...) [July.6.2019:] Saw AMERICAN SNIPER with my father. Good show (...) and now the drawing will go on in YELLOW BOOK (...)

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