Monday, February 05, 2007

your nude body

- I saw her two years later, back in my hometown, and by then she was taller than me, which felt horrible. The funny thing is: eventually I married twice, and both of my ex-wives are taller than me. I just found them terrific, which goes to show that being an adolescent was a bit like being an idiot, in my case. On the other hand, I doubted communism and anarchism right from the start, so I guess I was politically wise from a very early age.
- Well, you are certainly the most beautiful reactionary that ever licked my balls and arse!
- Oh, but I believe we will eventually reach a peaceful state of fraternal anarchy, as soon as it is absolutely unneeded! Just don't ask me how to get there! I'm too busy enjoying my reactions to your nude body!

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