Thursday, January 10, 2008

cocaine dramedy is big fun

- Meu Nome Não é Johnny, which translates as My Name Is Not Johnny. Man, you gotta pray they get this movie released in the UK! It's a comedy about doing cocaine, and then doing some more while dealing a little bit, and ending up being the biggest and
freakiest connection in the rich side of town! Of course the guy ends up in jail, but the movie keeps having hilarious scenes until very close to the end, and then the guy gets saved from his compulsion! It's great fun!
- A drug lord is great fun?
- Come on, man! You know you love to go to the movies and see people do things on the screen you would never do in real life! That's the fun of it! Did you like The Man Who Copied?
- Yeah!
- Well, Jorge Furtado, who directed it, said so about the characters! And you know you love those crazy people on Almodóvar's movies, like Dark Habits, but you'd never want to be around some of them!
- Yeah, that makes sense!

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