Saturday, October 25, 2008

money for nothing

- How's work in your planet?
- Great! You don't have to do it! Even the robots get money for nothing! Of course, there are some jobs where you do have to do a good job, like at the hospitals. You have to pass through some very tough exams to work there. But we found out that, as soon as you give them money for nothing, people get tired of permanent vacation very quickly, and either commit suicide with one of our free suicide pills, or volunteer for something. Then we just give them some good training, and they are ready to go!
- What about the crime rate?
- It's quite low, for people can afford good stuff, and we are polyamory-friendly!
- Don't other planets get envious of your riches?
- We do lots of charity work, and our guns can fry anything from a distance of at least 10 billion light years, so everybody thinks we are pretty nice folks!

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