Saturday, May 23, 2009

face down

- What did he say?
- Tô nem aí se ele faz sexo com travestis, cara! Tem umas aí que, dizendo "vem, gatinho" deitadinhas de bruços, eu comia feliz da vida, e daí? Se o cara faz gol dentro de campo, tô nem aí pra vida pessoal dele!
- Can you translate it?
- OK. He said: I don't care if he has sex with transvestites, man! There are some of them that, saying "do me, baby" lying face down, I would screw happily, so what? If the guy scores goals inside the field, I don't care about his personal life!
- But I do! Did the tranny leave her phone number? Look at these photos, man!

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