Monday, May 04, 2009

[missing heading] [translation] [Já serve de legenda]

Já serve de legenda? Vê aí!

Audio transcript:
[music] - Pass from -- here to where there is more light --

- It will cause a glare up.
- Yeah -- then it will adjust -- Whatch it you don't kick the paitings.
- So, show us the paintings.
- This is the biggest -- so far, y'know?
- This other.
- This is the smallest.
- Very good. Saw it on the web
- Yeah, I scanned it. It fits the scanner -- and this here is more recent.
- Very good!
- And I'm thinking of using that -- object I did for Posição 2004, y'know? As it is a casserole, you can hang it from a wall. Which I like even better --
- The casserole, yeah!
- Remember? With the pink vibrator glued to it with epoxy, a strange thing, and it will be even stranger hanging sideways, for people will have to turn their heads to read sideways from the label it has --
- Good! Very cool!
- So, it's four small walls there, this should be enough. Maybe I'll paint some larger stuff, but I will do it there in São Paulo, buy a large canvas, measure the wall, but it's not very big. Like two by two meters, man. The space --
- But you can do somethhing interesting!
- Yeah, sure, if you tke one of the largest walls, you can, we'll see -- So far, that's it -- we'll see --
- Nice -- now I am immortalized in --
- But this is a register, man, your studio --
- Ah, yes, imagine, I am immortalized in the history of Brazilian cinema -- a short movie on Marcelo Moraes -- star of generation -- primitive of the new art, like Cèzanne said --
- Before and After, this one is, y'know?, that cock-shaped soap that I got as a gift -- this here is it before, and after use it got this heart shape --
- I think it's nice to go back to painting, because then you know what is art inside your home -- because there's things hanging from the wall here that could be a coat or an object, and so? My cleaning lady goes nuts, man, she can't throw away nothing. There is this corner that I use, and if something is there, she knows: this here is trash for real.

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