Thursday, August 30, 2007

fing about it

- I like to pay women to finger my pussy! You've got a problem with that, fuck you!
- No problem, sister! You are free to buy the hand that fingers you!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 114)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- I've got news for you: Chico Fernandes asked for all the artists to send him videos and photos of Posição 2004, for he's making a video about it! I tried to send the photo of Ponte, but it was perhaps too many bytes for some link along the way, so it didn't go! I guess I'll just have to use the mail and send him a CD! This is gonna be awesome!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

beneath the scalp

- Hair undercurrent?
- Yes! The main currents are the classics and the fashionable of your moment in time! But the hair undercurrent works on the subconscious mind of the person cutting your hair, and it just oozes its way into your haircut, that leans just a little bit towards the fashionable, so the end result is great!

checking Chico Fernandes

The intercepted fragment below mentions a video about the art show Posição 2004 that is being made by one of the participating artists, Chico Fernandes. Like every other artist involved, we found no connection between him and any known terrorist cell. Just another case of harmless freedom of expression.
Ele falou em pedir imagens pros artistas. E colher depoimentos. E juntar com imagens da abertura, algo assim. Eu disse que só tenho as fotos digitais do meu objeto. Ele disse que tudo bem, e que queria falar com o éramos3 [the correct spelling is éramos 3]. Acho que posso dar uma olhada nos CDs, e depois passo pra ele.

Monday, August 27, 2007


- Come with me, honey!
- I'm sorry, baby! I'm looking for cock!
- Oh, but I have a set of plastic ones! I can be just the size you want me to be, I never go soft, you are positively gonna LUV it!

checking Posição 2004

The text below was part of an intercepted message. All the info we have about the art show called Posição 2004, the main subject of the texts related to this one, points out to the fact that the artists involved are not connected to any known terrorist cells. At worst, their activities should be classified as harmless freedom of expression.
Encontrei e transcrevo o texto que o Khalil escreveu em maio de 2004. Apenas inseri "[sic]" depois do nome de Christo Javacheff, para evitar a confusão com Jesus, e depois de dois erros de acentuação que escaparam da revisão antes da impressão. E o título entre colchetes, já que inexiste título no original. Só pra ter como chamar o texto.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


- How come you get all the girls?
- I just tell them I'm willing to take a bath before sex, or at least wash my scrotum and glans!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 113)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. First?
- Adriana Heemann. Série Densidades, which means Density Series. 21 x 30 cm. Charcoal on paper. 2004. I didn't remember the blur and the lines around the spots. They resemble organic cells, which is even weirder, and I like it!

something good

- It's all over the web! Americans as old as 90 are still having sex!
- Surprised? Try to find something good to watch on the TV!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 112)

- Posição 2004: did you sort out the CDs yet?
- Yes! There's also some printed material! And a list of the main participants of TV Zona! And some written notes, including some by Cristina Amiran, or Gê Pinheiro, I'm not sure! They are basically control notes, like who to ask for some more information, or some different images, with higher resolution, or about electronic copies of images that the computer won't open! I guess we should start with Adriana Heemann, and proceed in alphabetic order, transcribing any info about the works, and looking at the available images, so maybe I'll have some more memories to add!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


- It's on Google News New Zealand! Teenage who murdered her mother with an axe last year was unable to explain why she did it when faced with her family in court!
- She must be still regaining her breath!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 111)

- Posição 2004: any beautiful moments you care to mention?
- Two girls spent some hours taping some wood-like adhesive vynil all around the pool, so it looked like a huge picture frame, the picture being whatever was going on inside the pool! Awesome!


- It's on Google News UK! Officials in New Zealand found children's garments imported from China to contain levels of formaldehyde 900 times above the recommended safety limits!
- They're for Goth kids!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 110)

- Posição 2004: anything else you remember?
- There was a work with a block of ice on a table, and you could manipulate it with aluminum tools, and make some pretty spaced out sounds! And I also remember a pretty icy joke: a cross-stitch embroidery portrait of an unknown man, and I think it was untitled. One day, someone visiting the show looked at it and said it was Mohammed Atta, 9/11 suicide pilot. Almost undetected! That was weird, man! So my congrats to whoever did this bad taste gesture! Talk about shock value! I also remember this woman drawing directly into the glass door of one of the female restroom's stalls. You had to enter the restroom to see it properly. This probably led to some embarrassing moments, specially during the amazingly crowded opening night. I also remember this work that had two sides, A and B. It was on one of those things I don't know the name of. They are reclining wood walls with wheels to be pushed around, that people use to lean paintings against, when they are too big for the classic easel, and have two sides. Maybe they're called easels, too. Anyway, the main thing about it was that the guy called your attention to it, by using both sides! And one night, I think it was when Círculo do Sol took the empty pool, a woman with some eccentric clothes singing some opera thing. Maybe they were just opera clothes, I don't know much about opera. I just know it sounded and looked eerie and marvelous!
And if you go to Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, this lake in Rio de Janeiro City, right behind Ipanema Beach, you will see some waving sculptures in basic colors. They are like pendulums, a heavy structure on the lower side, and a paddle-like end high up on a stick. The high end was like two paddle blades making a cross, in order to better capture the winds, and keeping it moving, like a colored metal flower moving back and forth. They were there during the show, in front of the house. I love them! That's all I remember right now!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

gone out

- Out where? Copacabana?
- Mexico! She's skydiving in the eye of Hurricane Dean!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 109)

- Posição 2004: your memories of the groups. Next?
- TV Zona. That was the day Aimberê Cesar took over the empty pool, as I've told you. It was fun, but I don't recall any other further details. Just check what I've told you before, about the pic-nic breakfast and stuff.
- What about Grupo Um?
- That was the next day, Friday. I only remember this dance-action where they "filled" the pool with fake water made out of blue lines of fabric, and had a sort of acquatic ballet. It was very beautiful!
- Círculo do Sol?
- The Sun Circle! I remember their bright colored tents inside the pool, and the Trance they played! They also had some projections on a bed sheet hanging from the terrace! Good show!
That was Saturday!
- Edifício Galaxi?
- Galaxi Building did a very spaced out show! Someone distributed masks, and the Orquestra Galaxi went into a frenzied chaotic jazz, as I've told you before! Good show!
- OK! Anything else you want to say about éramos 3?
- I'm glad we were there!

Monday, August 20, 2007

some more time

- Like Einstein said: if you are a pacifist, go to some freaky dance party while you can!
- Yeah! Be non-violent until you can't take those damn horns and whistles anymore! Then move away from the loudspeakers, and be a pacifist some more time!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 108)

- Posição 2004: your memories of the groups. Next?
- Wait! I've gotta tell you: Gê passed on the CDs to me, so now we're gonna get weird watching the images the artists sent in, and comparing them to my memories!
- How many of them?
- I don't know yet! This was saturday, and I still gotta make a list of them! Gê said that Wilton Montenegro took like ten of them, for some work stuff. The rest is all with me! But first, we'll finish my memories of the groups! Then we'll see if what I've said so far makes sense compared to the photos!
- You mean you still believe photography shows the truth?
- Sometimes, yeah!

whole lot

- Using youtube as a radio, man! I'm not looking most of the time! I'm typing away at some other window! It's freaky like you make up your soundtrack as you go along! Choose your decade!
- You realise, of course, that Adapop sounds evil in Rio, because it reminds people of that criminal organisation that goes by the name Amigos Dos Amigos!
- But it's from ADAMANT pop, man! Like I LOVED it when I was a kid and Adam and The Ants came on the telly singing Stand and Deliver! You're too paranoid! Go listen to some Lords of Acid stuff! I Sit on Acid, and stuff like that! You'll feel a whole lot better!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 107)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Now for your memories of the groups.
- Em que Posição você se encontrava em 1994? [What was your position in 1994?]. That was the collective name of all the stuff that happened inside the empty pool on the opening night. I've already told you all I can remember. That night was a bit scary, but I had plenty of fun 99% of the time. Good show!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

doing so

- She stabbed herself in the belly, killing her unborn baby, then called the paramedics! She's fine now! Said she did it cause she changed her mind! She didn't want to be a mother anymore! And it was too late to get an abortion! So she figured she'd stop the process! Even if she had to die doing so!
- Now, that's what I call a brave woman!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 106)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Zúñiga. He did some paintings that looked like Basquiat became Matisse, some very likeable expressionistic red humans seen up close. I'm not sure the images were supposed to make me feel happy, but art is like that, isn't it? People will dig your stuff the way THEY choose to!

what's up

- Kao Jonny e o Cósmico Trem, man!
- What?
- Just call it Trem! It's this crazy Samba Rock Guitar Dance thing, man! I'll tell you when the gig comes up! They have some songs at myspace, but I saw them rehearsing, and it's gonna be some freaky dancing madness, I tell you!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 105)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Willy Reuter. He did a couple of transparent wall objects. They reminded me of the twin towers in transparent plastic, with some copper lines crammed inside, or something. They were small boxes, so it looked cute and eerie at the same time. Good show!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

right now

- Jesus fuck! Where is the gay noisedance party in this town? I want to go to a place where the DJ plays Flipper's live version of Life, from the Rat Music For Rat People album, and girls are kissing other girls, and guys are kissing trannies, and each other, and jumping and shouting like a bunch of kids! That's not asking for too much!
- Well, I can tongue your ass RIGHT NOW, if you like!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 104)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Tomás Ribas. He did a fish bowl transparency thing inside a small room. He put a fish bowl with a goldfish on an overhead projector, so the image on the wall was the shadow of it swimming. I don't know if it was about Platonic Ichthyology, or whatever, but it was beautiful!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


-Vibrators without Frontiers?
- Yes! We are raising money to guarantee that every living adult everywhere has a dildo or vibrator!
- And what was that tagline?
- If you come, so will the food!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 103)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Thiago Rocha Pitta. He did the smoking ashes installation outside. It was small pile of hay, or something. Hay ashes that were smoking, because there was actually some fire within. It had to be done a few meters from the building, with him holding a garden hose, and using it to control the amount of fire. After the opening night, all that remained was a pile of moist ashes. That was pretty weird, and looked easy to do, so I liked it very much!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

good news

- Being the media is no fun! If we give you people good news, you say we are hiding something from you! If we give you bad news, you say we are hiding the good news! It's insane!
- You must be hiding the good news!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 102)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Tatiana Blass. She did some Pop cloud paintings! They are abstract, the shapes on the canvases, but they look like paint clouds to me. She also extended the shapes into the wall, using adhesive vynil. Really beautiful

Monday, August 13, 2007

you are now

reading this

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 101)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Sonia Meilman. She did two high contrast photos of roofs that she put side by side, in order to build a new image. Maybe also a new meaning that I wasn't able to perceive. Anyway, I like it when people do this close to abstraction stuff, and this one was very enticing!

used to

- The Taleban released two South Korean hostages!
- Only because their assholes didn't feel as tight as they used to!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 100)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Silvia D, the one with the drawing of the masochistic viet cong. It was shocking, and funny, and very well drawn. If I could only save one work from the whole art show, this one would probably be it. It is really great!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


- I thought you were off the drugs!
- Drugs? Absinth is legal in Brazil, man! And so is Whisky!
- I mean the Flapjacks!
- What!? These are not mine, I swear to God!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 99)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Sandra Schechtman. She did a magic carpet! I mean, it was a banner, lying on the floor as a carpet. The photos printed on it were from a series of shadows of people walking the streets of Rio. These ones were showing them over red and white pedestrian crossings, so it turned out to be this Optical Pop Carpet something I liked very much! Good show!

24 aeon party people

- Tony Wilson's dead, man!
- Yeah! He must be getting cosmically sorted with God and His angels! I'm not sorry, Wilson! Thanks for the party, man!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 98)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Romano. There was a computer on a table, and you used the mouse to click on the poems, and you could hear the words aloud, as they popped up on the screen. A bit like those cute plain karaoke you now get at Youtube. It made the machine sound quite human and sensitive. I found it very amusing and beautiful!


- People should be brave and simply die! If you don't have money, don't ask for it! Starve to death! If you have children, let them die of starvation, too! Or shoot them and swallow a bullet yourself! This should take you to a much better world, and if it doesn't, fuck it! If someone tries to rob you, jump into the woman! Take the gun from her hand and shoot her dead! If you get shot dead, you will go to some divine place, and if that doesn't happen, fuck it!
- Wow! All this talk of women with guns is pretty hot! I hope you can spare the time to fuck ME before you fuck it!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 97)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Rosana Ricalde. She used letter decals to write a text on a corner. I can't recall the text itself. I just remember I liked it!
- You like every single thing from the art show!
- Yes! And I mean it, too! I bet you this is way too radical for most people! What can I say? It's a wonderful life!

Friday, August 10, 2007


- Describe your sound.
- Pixelated taste buds!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 96)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Rosa Oliveira. Her work was from the Brise Soleil Phase. Nice to see someone doing Hard-Edge Painting because she wants to, or whatever reason, I like it! And I tell you: I used to listen to Trans-Europe Express when I was fourteen. Her rectangles feel like home to me! Sweet as honey!

mean it

- Any last words for our young readers?
- Yeah! We fucking hate dental braces! Think that was cruel? Well, get ready for the REAL cruel people you might bump into in the real world! DEAL with it! And have a very happy life! We mean it! Really!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 95)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Wait! I forgot to mention PaulaGabriela! I didn't watch it for long, but I very much liked the idea. They put this large white bed top sheet on the reclining part of the empty pool's floor. Then they proceeded to do painting on it, using smashed fruits! Shocking fun yeah!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


- I've never felt this close to anyone before!
- Oh, don't be shy! I'm sure I can take a little more of your cock inside me!

five stars

- I repeat: ***** is completely stopped. Send for ***** to prop the spot.
- ***** is out for *****, sir.
- Listen up, kid: the guy is CUT UP TO PIECES all over that corner! I don't even know where his DICK is, for fuck's sake! Send someone to CLEAR THE DAMN AREA! NOW!

tudo isso

theology of acceptance

- I am telling you: there is a God in Heaven!
- Oh, I'm sure a guy like Him can be anywhere He wants to be!

suckling it


- What's O Homem Que Pegou Geral?
- That's a play that's on a small stage in Copacabana. It means something like The Man Who Did Everybody!
- Let's check if she's there!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 94)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Renata Lucas. Her installation was in a small room that let you into another part of the art show. What she did was nailing a carpet to the floor, but making receding waves, and two sections of it, so you actually felt like a giant crossing the open waters of the Red Sea in five or six steps. Great idea!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

In english, please!

- What next? Geração Onze! São 101 anos de arte abstrata in 2011!
- In english, please!
- Generation Eleven, man! Come 2011, it will be 101 years since pure abstraction! The ghost of Kandinsky came to me in a dream and told me we're still on Abstract Art 101, but he loves them slow learners! We can barely imagine what it will be! I woke up weeping with joy!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 93)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Rachel Castro. She did this video installation that was way subtle, man! I only now realise it. It was this plain TV set hanging above our heads, like any other you see anywhere in the world. In one of those TV set hangers you attach to the upside of a wall. So it looked like the main thing were the videos. They were some fine pieces of Rhythm Video Art, alright. But the real thing was that they were a bit too long for you to watch it all standing up, looking upwards. Like maybe more than 20 minutes. I can't say, because I wasn't able to watch it all. But I came back a few times to watch some more of it. I guess that was part of the idea, really. But if it was not in the original plan, what a great unplanned result! It showed us fleeting beauty, just like it happens lots of times, right before our eyes. Good show!

alphabravo disclaimer

Any trouble you get into because of mixing art and reality is your own responsibility.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 92)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Pedro França. I'm sure I told you about the basement installation he did. It looked like you went behind the curtain right into an empty stage, where you found an empty table and a tea for two scene. And then you could turn it around in your mind and think that you were actually backstage to the art show outside! Fantastic!

Monday, August 06, 2007

gob advice

merrymaking at your place

- What is this August 18 National House Party Madness!? Who is this Calvin Harris, and what is he trying to do with Britannia!?
- He's just a Pop musician doing his job! He knows that, sometimes, music is no good unless it makes people older than you think you're insane!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 91)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Moana Mayall. She glued some tinfoil boxes to a wall. I mean those boxes you use to freeze food, or keep it warm. These ones had white cardbord as lids, and she glued some prints onto them. They looked like mixes of text and images that she probably assembled in her personal computer and printed in a common computer printer. That's all I remember, and also that they looked quite beautiful. That's good enough for me!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

no terrorist codes found in the text below

- Johnnie Walker é meu pastor, nada me faltará!
- He said: Johnnie Walker's my shepherd, I shall not want!
- Hallelujah!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 90)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Matheus Perpétuo. He did a slab of cement that looked like a flagstone or a tombstone, which is one of the meanings of the name Lage. So it was a direct pun with Lage Park, where the art show happened. He glued some tabloid news onto the slab. As I remember it, at least one of them had to do with a man that was left for dead by criminals who shot him, but "came back" from death, as he wasn't really mortally wounded. That one really made me smile! Good show!

evening conversation

- Guess what? She wasn't walking slowly because she was sleepy or drunk! She was on LSD! Can you imagine how I felt after drinking her blood? I can't say I'm back to normal even now! This life is ridiculous! I need some clean and sober blood!
- We'll try the detox clinic!
- Are you nuts? We need some spa blood, girl!


Very Enthusiastic Sometimes

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 89)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Marilá Dardot. Desapego, which means detachment. That is an interactive installation with second-hand clothes she got from friends and put on a clothes hanger rack. People are asked to exchange a piece of their own clothing for one they like, if they want to do so. There is a pen marker in order for you to write your name on the label of the garment you are leaving behind. I love it!


- Oh, he's married to the King of Marijuana Popcorn, and probably eating up his sperm in planet Qwerto as we speak!
- Lucky bastard!
- And he deserves it, too! You know he was always not only a great head, but a big heart, too! I am really happy for him!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 88)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Mariana Manhães. Her installation involved a mirror across the room from a small tv-set. Most people didn't notice the mirror at first, because the video was so fantastically funny! It showed a teapot turning itself around quite fast, from one side to another, like it was standing on a turntable. You could see it was a sped up image. Anyway, it twisted like it was dancing or something, and it made a funny blah blah blah noise that sounded like a cartoon high-pitched unintelligible talk and laughter. A bit like the Laughing Gnome from the David Bowie song of the same name. It just made you laugh. People felt good. You could even hear it from other rooms during the show, and it made you laugh again. I don't know what the original idea was, but I loved it! Absolutely great fun!


And tell Agent Lilac that Agent Yellow has found his plastic tranny porn mag after the [blank] consulate party.

check this for possible terrorist code

agosto é o mês do bom gosto