Saturday, August 06, 2011


Suddenly I was walking down a street very early in the morning with no one in sight. As I looked at my clothes I noticed I was wearing the same shirt I had went to sleep with. Like I had stood up in a trance and put my trousers and shoes on and went sleepwalking or something. The thing was I also felt like I was lying in bed sleeping. Bilocation or something was what I thought explained this seeing and feeling two places at once. Then everything went sort of gray like some liquid smokescreen as I heard some sort of loud noise in my ears like loudspeakers bursting out of order with some strong scratching sound. That woke me up at once like maybe I was afraid of jumping into some other dimension or maybe I had just sort of falled back into my body that was really in bed all the time. I looked outside my window and it was too dark for me to really have been out there unless I had been simultaneously not only in two different places in space but also in time. I knew that street was somewhere in my city. I tried to make sense of this vivid strange dream. Was it some kind of message? I decided the gods wanted to tell me my shirt was cool enough to be worn outside in broad daylight and went back to sleep.

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