Sunday, February 05, 2012


This song we gonna play now has no lyrics. Maybe some grunts. I am telling you this because some of you might want to go home. Or maybe stay further away from the amps. I know some of you must be thinking we are already playing at maximum volume but this is a new trick we do nowadays. We were actually with all switches up to nine. This last song we're gonna turn everything up to eleven or something. Yeah. Because we need this to be loud. It has no lyrics but it is pretty serious. It is about how all of us quit marijuana and use vodka and caipirinha instead. Our friends too. We just don't want trouble. We know this War On Drugs is really a War On The Poor after all. And we just quit this madness. Now we just seek slow death using booze. The name of the song is Before The End Of The War. HIT IT!

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