Saturday, June 09, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 53)

- Posição 2004: your notes. Next?
- Daisy Xavier: Entre Telas, which means Between Screens, or Between Canvasses. I just remember it was this enticing red painting hanging from the wall right between my object and Claudio Montagna's collage. I don't think there was any obviously identifiable image to it, but it got to be part of the so-called pink room, along with us, because it had some erotic aura and/or pink shades to it. This room was quite possibly the reason we had to put up a sign at the door stating that some images were perhaps too strong to be viewed by children. As I remember it, there were also Luciana Duque's photographs of tools, Cristina Amiran's photos of us from the éramos 3 group biting some unidentified pink rectangles (which were actually dentist wax), Silvia D's Funk C print of a drawing showing a vietcong masochist, Heleno's pink open head photo, and Marcio Ramalho's wall object, or so I think is his name. Anyway, the object was brownish, and had some perfume I can't recall, and looked a bit like a mixture of a vagina and one of those pods from Invasion of The Body Snatchers. Unforgettable, I tell you. I think I've mentioned most of them before. Luciana's tools had some kind of subtle erotic terror to them, and Ramalho's pod needed no title to hit you right in the face and nostrils with all its might. I believe it didn't have any title, actually. And then there was Alberto Saraiva's paranoid surveillance coffee table in the middle of the room, just to add yet another punch to it. I'm glad I was part of that room, man!

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