Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 61)

- Posição 2004: from your memory. First?
- Ducha. Someone put his name on the list. We tried to contact him. No answer. His name is on the list anyway. As I said before: this is a translucid action, which means that even the artist might not now it is art until some time afterwards. I don't know if Ducha knows, but I liked very much his act of participating only in the list, without any actual work in the art show. It is also very much in the line of another work that he did at the Gentil Carioca Gallery, in which he wrote a very aggressive text with a ballpoint pen in a yellow post-it and glued it to the wall. Nice going!
- OK. Next?
- Edna Kauss. She did this sculpture with three rusted iron monoliths in a very close triangle shape, that you might think they are touching each other, if you are seing them from a distance. They are actually attached to an iron base that is buried out of sight, so they look like these ominous eruptions. Very stern, and I like it! I believe it is still there for you to see, righ in front of the Cavalariças Gallery, in Lage Park.

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