Tuesday, July 31, 2007

moving picture

- Did you see it? Antonioni died righ after Bergman!
- Yeah! Bergman went first, to tell God to open up the best spirit bottle! May you drink into the light, brothers!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 87)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Maria Nepomuceno. She hanged a mobile from one of the tall doors that lead to the inner patio. In fact, it was high above our heads as we came into the patio from the main entrance. You simply had to pass under it, even if you didn't look up. The mobile was colorful, made of plastic toy pistols and revolvers hanging from cords. Very beautiful. I love it!

Monday, July 30, 2007

irony optional

- To actually have a job, and get drunk after work. Or eat so much you just know you are going to fall asleep right after entering your flat. This is the best decade ever!
- Yeah! It's a wondeful life!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 86)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Marco Antonio Portela. I remember it as a panel of red and white photos of mothers. I don't remember any children in the photos. Someone told me. Terror Movie Pop again: white for purity, red for blood. So vital, but the children are absent. I like it even more now. It was pretty much innocent eye candy for me at the time. Whatever it really meant for him, it was and is beautiful in my mind!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Trailer Park West

Across the old road, a whole new universe! Where the trees are into S&M and Vanilla Fudge! A Bridge to Smackmybitcha! See the trailer.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 85)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Marcio Ramalho. That's the guy with the wall object that looked like a brownish vagina-pod something with a perfume. It felt like Povera-Pop Terror Movie 9000. I love it!

Are your friends making you fart?

Are your friends making you fart? The New Eggland Journal of Medicine has the scoop on the possible causes of this hot air epidemic. Read more.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 84)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Márcio Botner e Pedro Agilson. That was the one I told you about, with the naked woman standing up on a short pedestal and staring at the computer monitor. I am sure it hit every single person that went by. Great show!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

interstellar beautiful education overdrive

- I care about adult education! Look, this is for you! A bottle of Teacher's! Say your thing!
- A vida é bela!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 83)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Márcia Lisboa. She did this extra-subtle work. It was a text in braille inside a box on top of a plain white pedestal. In fact, everything about it was white. As I don't know braille, it was pure visual noise to me, and I liked it like that.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Check this text for terrorist activities

- Um Presente de Grogue?
- Pois é! Coisa de quem bebe! Espero que vocês gostem! Em caso de emergência, serve pra desinfetar cortes superficiais! Mas prefiro que guardem pra ocasiões como esta, em que eu tô numas de beber!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 82)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Marcelo Lins. I don't know if I've told you about his work. It was a sound installation that could be heard all around the pool. And it was funny, for it was made of sounds from a crowd of people enjoying a pool, and the pool was empty for the art show. So you heard this splashing sounds from time to time. If you were distracted, you turned around in surprise, to look for the splasher. Nice one, man!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Check ANIA for possible terrorist activities

Vesti meu jaleco laranja e saí distribuindo absinto pela festa. Eu dizia que era da ANIA, a Agência Nacional de Irradiação do Absinto. E que estávamos tentando descobrir o que acontecia quando a mente de um brasileiro vai pro espaço. A experiência foi um sucesso!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

heaven is an orgasm

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 81)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Maíra Ribas. She taped some cartons to one wall of the empty pool during the opening night, and painted phrases on them. Sort of a non-destructive vandalism. I don't remember the phrases, but they felt humorous and insightful. I think they were about art itself. And I liked it, thank you very much!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 80)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Luciana Duque. I think I've mentioned before something about her photos. They were plain photos of groups of tools and gears and stuff like that. And the titles were single words that had to do with feelings, I think. The effect was some sort of sexy terror vibe. Great stuff!

magic carpet ride

- I fail to understand why you are not standing in line to get your new copy of the new Harry Potter book!
- Well, I'm 18 now. I just got me a Magic Wand, and a cord that can easily cross my flat. I'm finding spots that I never knew existed! On the carpet, I mean!
- Great! Call me if you want some hot milk with your cookies!

Dive Up

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 79)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Lucia Laguna. She did some big beautiful soft-edge paintings. I think only one was shown this time, because of the size. I understand she does it like Hans Hoffman, starting from real objects and ending with abstract images. In her case, it is the streets of Rio de Janeiro that become abstract landscapes. I only know this because I read it somewhere that she said so, in some newspaper interview, possibly in O Globo. For me, they are just beautiful shapes, and that's truly fine!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Big Festa da Desocupada

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 78)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Leodgard. As I remember it, he did a computer image printed like a photo. The background was black and white, and it looked like a favela. Over this he made childlike drawings of guns shooting through the air, all in blood red. This does not need any other words. Good show!

Monday, July 16, 2007

right on

- And how's your drug life?
- Great! Today, after my job was done, I went to a bar and drunk a double whisky. Then I fell asleep on the bus, feeling warm and happy all over! But the traffic was so slow I actually slept for more than an hour, before waking up and still getting off the bus right on time!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 77)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Leila Amaral. I remember white plastic, translucent images of the inner organs of humans. Maybe pregnant women. There were also small lights. It was a bit scary, and also very sweet. A bit like Warhol's electric chairs, but not as violent. Leila seemed to give you room to feel as you like it about the images. So it was all about kindness, in a way. Very good!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

very same time

- And how's your sex life?
- Great! Last week, we not only had simultaneous orgasms, but managed to fart in unison at the very same time!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 76)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Khalil Charif. I've already mentioned his typewritten work. It was this text that he typed on a piece of cheap bread-wrapping paper. It had some stamps I don't remember. Anyway, it had something to do with art as bursting through our barriers, like an overflown cup. Man, was he right about what was going to happen! I'll say it again: we were lucky nobody got accidentally killed on that opening night, for the drunken crowd went quite crazy, and it was too big, and someone could have easily dived head first into the empty pool. Thank God it all ended up well! As for Khalil, I believe he summed up the overall feeling of being inside a war and founding a haven in the art show, where we could be a bit more ourselves. Nice going!

Friday, July 13, 2007

so happy for you

- Tell me something about him!
- Well, he's twentysomething, and as beardless as a chinese doll. He's also tough and tender, and I'm SO VERY MUCH ENCHANTED! He even likes to tongue my ass while giving me a handjob.
- I'm so happy for you!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 75)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Julia Traub Csekö. She took this old beaten up table, and served up some cheap wine and cooked eggs on it, and did this performance I didn't see. I saw some pamphlet saying it was about how the government should give more money to art schools, or something. I think it's fair enough to say that we not only need more good jobs and hospitals, but also all kinds of schools. And the resulting visual presence of the table after it was left there, as an installation, was intense, and very beautiful. Good show!

go for it

- Check this: gazetaesportiva.net/ge_noticias/bin/noticia.php?chid=104&nwid=32453
- What is it?
- It says Casey Stoner is leading the MotoGP championship!
- See? I told you stoners can be number one in anything, if they really go for it!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 74)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- João Mansur Anache. He did a pink column of newspapers inbetween two of the building's columns. Like it's fine to be inbetween, maybe. I don't know what he meant, but the newspapers were not painted. They were published in pink. I love that! And I love his choice of shape and color!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The man who fucked banana trees

- Dead? What happened? Did Big Joe catch him fucking his favorite banana tree?
- No. Some drunken idiot threw a beer can from a party on the twentieth floor as he passed by.
- Oh, my God! Hit in the head?
- No, he jumped sideways right into a passing bus.

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 73)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Joana Traub Csekö. I think I've mentioned it before. She did this triangle pile of POP detergent boxes, and called it Poluidor Orgânico Persistente, or something. It means Persistent Organic Polluter. I'm not sure I remember the words right, but it made it look like it might be truly an acronym on the boxes. I loved it! It almost got crushed by the drunken crowd during the opening night, and we had to dismantle it and build it up again the next day. That was one of the works that made you smile when you learned the name of it. I like that!

We are on

- It's the Rock Slobster, man! Barata Ribeiro 500, deep inside the shop at the deep end of the gallery! Weirdest electro-rock mantras in town, 24-7! And the guys and girls are just over 18, and have short fingernails! Gotta be there!
- OK! Let me just finish this milk chocolate, and we're on!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 72)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Jacqueline Siano. She did 3 banners that were reproductions of her photos. The photos involved putting some objects over reproductions of a painting. I think it was one of Leonardo's women. Anyway, the results were somewhat eerie, and I understand the lady in question had a terrible life, was separated from her love, stuff like that. Jacqueline was turning Pop into real sadness, and it felt like plastified metallic blues, which sounds good, and I like very much. Good show!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

another suspicious text

Check this for coded terrorist messages:
- Laura de Vison is dead, man!
- God be with her in the Afterlife Great Orgasmic Celebration!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 71)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Ivani Pedrosa. She did this metal statue that was based on her daughter using the computer. When she told me that, I looked at it again. Sure enough, it was a line-simple metal form that resembled someone almost falling under the table, slumped into the chair. The computer was nowhere in sight. But it did have a TV set as a head. The TV was on, and you could see and hear some other part of the art show, near the bar, and nobody was told they were on. You couldn't see them clearly, for they were seen from afar, but the voices were very clear, at times. With 3 thousand people passing through on that opening night, it was quite weird. Scary fun, if you pay attention, and I like it!

suspicious text

Check the following text for terrorist coded messages:
Eu vi essa pichação na parede da exposição Associados: PUNHETA TB É AMOR! Meio triste que tem gente que ainda não sabe, fiquei muito feliz de ver que tem gente espalhando a boa nova!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 70)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Isadora Bonder. She did a fine job with found materials. She took some old pieces of furniture and machines, and built this huge slab of memories. It was all from the very school where the art show happened. So it was some sort of selective black hole of Lage Park. This giant brick you had to walk around to see the rest of the show. Very good!

Monday, July 09, 2007

you think you're so smart

therefore, you exist

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 69)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Isabella Marinho. She paints human figures all the time, in groups, crowding the canvas. The one she showed this time around had some humans doing fetal positions. I remember it as mostly shades of grey. Very intense. I liked it very much!

Smile: you are being copied!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

It's do Caribe!

- Cara, eu fui nessa festa ontem, e tinha uns anarco-punks com um visual pirata-glam, muito bom! Pirados do Caribe!
- You were there, too? Shit, man! I was so drunk, I felt like a walking numbcloud! Great party!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 68)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Heleno Bernardi. I think I've mentioned that fantastic photo. It looks like this huge head without skin, all red and pink, and then you realize it's a bunch of used chewing gum! Great funny Horror Pop, man!


If it's on the web, it's gone, man!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


- You used to eat all my shit! You don't love me anymore!
- Have I stopped licking your asshole clean? No! Wake up, man! I told you I'm on a diet until the Easter Parade!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 67)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Gustavo Oliveira. He did this perfect white noise painting, man! We were using the classrooms for the art show, and had them painted white, for they were dirty with paint from the painting classes. He asked for a portion of a wall to be left dirty with paint drips and blots, and stuff like that, and used them as a background for a white paint rectangle he painted over them! I tell you, man: I don't know where art's going to go, but if we do go back to painting for a while, as a mainstream thing, that's a fine way he found to cross that river!
- Do you really think it would be good if painting did take the spotlight over other techniques?
- Of course not, for I like my freedom, man! But the Art Market is free to do wathever it wants, and I'm fine with it! I will quite probably use whatever technique I want to, so I'm also free, you know!
- OK. Next?
- Gustavo Prado. I' sure I've mentioned his underground hallways with changing lights, but if I didn't, I can't describe it anymore, except that they changed as you moved and the sensors felt you. I just want to say that walking into his light installation over and over was one of the finest things that ever happened to me in any art show! I'm surely happy I was there!

deglam suicide

- We should deglam suicide, you know? So that people don't think killing themselves has any glamour at all!
- Done! First we legalise individual suicide, as long as no one else is physically harmed and it gets videoed. Then we start something like an Youtube to show the suicide videos! Call it Youdie!
- How's that gonna stop suicide?
- There is no stopping it! But it would eventually become so common, it would be boring for lots of people! That would certainly make suicide rates drop a long long way! It would no longer be the ultrafashionable thing to do!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 66)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Franz Manata. As I said before, the airport metal detector that reads EXST instead of exit is simply fantastic!
- OK. Next?
- Gabriela Noujaim. That's the one with the roses over the broken glass. I've mentioned it before. Great stuff!
- OK. Next?
- Gê Pinheiro. I've already talked about the one with the small wax children crowding into a wall. Really good show!
- OK Next?
- Guga. He did this floor washcloth with a silkscreened image of George W. Bush, you know? I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but he was selling them very cheap, for they were unsigned, and people loved them! I wonder if someone did send one of them over to a janitor friend in the United States. Anyway, his was a great idea for humorous criticism! Thumbs up!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


- I used to worry about these little purple veins, until a boyfriend told me they made my legs look as beautiful as marble.
- I simply LOVE art! Let me start by kissing the feet of your living sculpture, and work my way up to heaven!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 65)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Florence Belfort did this delicious metal structure that was up on the roof! We were lucky nobody tried to eat it up! It looked raw, but SO tasty! Those freaky metal shapes! I loved it!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

beautiful death dream

- I had this death dream that felt quite vivid and looked like an example. I died in a car crash that was impossible, for it happened at my job, but the architecture of the place was completely different. So I guess I was being shown what it's like to be dead. For I was suddenly invisible. I kept coming back to my job, unnoticed, and even heard one of my co-workers said she missed me. The thing is, we are not that close. Every time the picture got whiter and harder to define in my eyes. Like I was progressively loosing contact with this world, and going to a place with some very bright lights. I felt funny that I only ever saw this woman that I do not work directly with. The others were white shades. And I was never near my family, or friends, or the one I love. Something told me it was for the best. In the end, I felt my memories vanishing, as I fell asleep into this bright white light.
- Hey! I want to have a dream like that, too! I want the name of that whiskey, man!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 64)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Fernando de La Rocque. The man with the golden cockroach! Really! His work was a small plastic box with a live cockroach painted gold inside. It barely moved, but its legs moved a little from time to time. I understand it was dying before our eyes. He told us he did it like this: opening the manholes to Rio's sewers and chasing the emerging cockroaches with a golden paint spray can. After painting them, it was quite easy to capture the things. Great show!

Monday, July 02, 2007

get around

- So you're from a planet so far from here it looks almost exactly like this one, with a few differences?
- Yeah! Like, we have a Planet Government, and it has solved the problem of hunger with a project called Money for Nothing, where all you have to do to get a job doing nothing is to show up once, or send an e-mail, or letter, or give them a call on the phone! The money is very good, and you can work somewhere else, if you like! So everyone can afford to eat and have a nice house, and go out every night and get drunk and dance until dawn! And we have no fatal diseases, except life itself! And also: all the subways and other public transportation have airbags and all, like the best cars! In fact, I'm only here in your planet to get a taste of the danger, by taking that bus that's coming over there! See ya 'round!

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 63)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Felipe Barbosa. I believe his work was called Satélite, which means Satellite. It was hanging from the ceiling, looked like a dark ball with metallic needles coming out of it, and it was made with cheap tv antennas. That was another Pure Pop explosion of beauty I remember from the show. I'm glad I was there to see it.