Thursday, July 05, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 67)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Gustavo Oliveira. He did this perfect white noise painting, man! We were using the classrooms for the art show, and had them painted white, for they were dirty with paint from the painting classes. He asked for a portion of a wall to be left dirty with paint drips and blots, and stuff like that, and used them as a background for a white paint rectangle he painted over them! I tell you, man: I don't know where art's going to go, but if we do go back to painting for a while, as a mainstream thing, that's a fine way he found to cross that river!
- Do you really think it would be good if painting did take the spotlight over other techniques?
- Of course not, for I like my freedom, man! But the Art Market is free to do wathever it wants, and I'm fine with it! I will quite probably use whatever technique I want to, so I'm also free, you know!
- OK. Next?
- Gustavo Prado. I' sure I've mentioned his underground hallways with changing lights, but if I didn't, I can't describe it anymore, except that they changed as you moved and the sensors felt you. I just want to say that walking into his light installation over and over was one of the finest things that ever happened to me in any art show! I'm surely happy I was there!

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