Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 71)

- Posição 2004: your memories. Next?
- Ivani Pedrosa. She did this metal statue that was based on her daughter using the computer. When she told me that, I looked at it again. Sure enough, it was a line-simple metal form that resembled someone almost falling under the table, slumped into the chair. The computer was nowhere in sight. But it did have a TV set as a head. The TV was on, and you could see and hear some other part of the art show, near the bar, and nobody was told they were on. You couldn't see them clearly, for they were seen from afar, but the voices were very clear, at times. With 3 thousand people passing through on that opening night, it was quite weird. Scary fun, if you pay attention, and I like it!

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