Monday, February 07, 2011


Our society regards 'home' not only as a place of rest from the
outside world, but also as a means of self-expression. It is a place
that we may decorate as we please, and keep as neat as we choose to.
If we live alone, that is. Dividing a home with someone else might
raise questions about how clean is clean enough, and which ornament
gets the spotlight. Some people worry so much about keeping their
place tidy that they verge on neurosis. Or so think the others.
Talking about it and reaching some form of compromise might help. It
is suggested that learning to leave clothes on the floor overnight
might help to ease the stress. Maybe if the other person moves objects
a little bit every day, the tidier one can slowly begin to accept that
complete control is impossible and unnecessary. Failing to reach an
agreement is not an option, if the people involved want a healthy

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