Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sad or numb or something

- Read this aloud.
- Next time I met her we were standing in line for that same party only this time we were not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore and I couldn't believe how strange it was to look at her some girls are like that after you break up you just have no idea every time you meet them it is a surprise you really really can't predict your reaction I mean I like her and hope she meets someone right for her better than me I was way too unstable I don't know her whole story but I can guess she met one or two very abusive guys she can't deal with freaks like me she gets scared she will get beat up or maybe just weirded out by too strange behaviour she was right I was going to be too weird and maybe unfaithful which I don't mind but she did and once I screamed at her she would never admit it but I was there and I just know she mistakenly thought I was on the verge of punching her I never did that to a girlfriend I am not like that but we were together for maybe two or three weeks how could she be sure I understand that maybe that was when she started having doubts and eventually dumped me because she felt that maybe I was a bit too crazy to handle I just hope she is fine and I actually would prefer not to meet her for some time because every single time it was at least a little bit weird like something you know it can't work but all the same you feel sad or numb or something anything but OK so it is best for me not to talk to her for some time not even online.
- So? What do you think?
- Don't put this stuff online, man! She might get paranoid!
- It is already on. Let's pray she is too busy to read it. I really want her to be happy even if it means never being allowed to talk to her again.
- Don't get so dramatic, man.

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