Thursday, May 19, 2011

other moving

I wasn't drunk. Too early. I went into this commercial building. To the restroom. Went inside a cubicle. The light was fucked up. It was a steady strobe. I remembered this movie I read about with no images, just black and white screencards blinking at various speeds of what looked like a rectangular strobe. How long was it? twenty minutes or so? Anyway, I never had the chance to see it and here I was. The walls were white inside the cubicle. I just sit down and stared for some ten or fifteen minutes. I had read about the images that people saw where there was actually nothing but a strobe. I knew for sure there was nothing there in the cubicle wall. But they came to me. Blurred gray shadows. Like scenes out of focus. An oval rotating and changing shape from square to circle. A group of bubbles that grew and shrunk without exploding. People walking across the field of vision. Just a couple of gray faceless human shadows. Then a crowded street of people passing by in both directions. Like I was standing on the sidewalk watching them walk by in slow motion. A tree without any leaves in a field white with snow. Other moving geometric shapes I could not understand. Then back to the changing rotating oval. I got out and washed my face. Looked in the mirror.

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