Thursday, March 22, 2007

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 12)

- Tell us some more about Silvia D and her Funk C drawing!
- No way! YOU go and find her online or something! Maybe I'm a deluded fool, but I don't think she wants that much publicity!
- What about Gustavo Prado?
- Man, I don't pretend that I know what he meant! I just enjoyed the environment he built! I just went there over and over to enjoy its pure sensorial impact on me! You just go to Rio's MAM and ask Franz Manata to give you his phone number! And, while you're at it, ask Franz about his piece at the show! It was right at the entrance of Posição 2004! It looked just like one of those airport metal detectors, but it had a blinking red-letter sign over the passage that looked like it spelled EXIT, but in fact it says EXST! Now, THAT'S some great stuff, man! Subtle and in-your-face at the same time! Just ask for a silent minute to look at the pictures of it, before he tells you all about it! Let the silence of the photos hit your mind!

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