Wednesday, March 28, 2007

happy go lucky!

- Your book "Capitalist, YEAH!" ["Capitalista, sim!" in portuguese] looks pretty much like the work of a closet liberal, when it ends up saying that human lives are our most valuable capital.
- Well, I was dancing drunk inside this gay-friendly nightclub in Rio, when I saw this guy with a T-shirt that had that famous Che Guevara face, but with the red star replaced by those golden arches that fast-food lovers from all over the planet recognize instantly. I had to laugh and comment, and he said he liked the scandal it provoked on liberals, and I ended up saying something like: if not capitalist, forget it! Then I went home to get some absurd amount of coffee in my brain, and wrote the book in a few freaked out days of pure bliss! Anyway, my next book will be called ASSASSINATO SEGUIDO DE ESTUPRO, which means HOMICIDE FOLLOWED BY RAPE, and will be just as happy go lucky!

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