Saturday, September 23, 2006

pillow talk

- AIDS does not exist!
- Don't give me that shit! I've read the stuff at the Alive and Well site and beyond, and it DON'T matter if they are right! Who CARES? The official thing is: most people BELIEVE in it, anyway, so if you get ANY DST, and get a positive test for HIV, while checking for other stuff, you are socially DEAD. So sex IS a matter of life and death, period. I don't care if you fuck strangers or friends, or the love of your life. You are risking death every single fucking time, even if you do it safely, for the only 100% safe sex act is masturbation. That's it. Enjoy your life.

I found this defective plastic bag at the supermarket. No opening. It had two bottoms, so it looked like a pillow without any stuffing. I named it PILLOW, and signed it and dated it. So it is art. You are free to see it as a protest against the social problems in the city of Rio de Janeiro. As for me, I believe it is mostly a joke about deep sleep in a gigantic city.

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