Thursday, September 21, 2006

zombie girls just wanna have fun

- Men smoking crack, then shooting up heroin, then dildoing themselves, is all great fun to read about, but what the public wants to know is how close is that to the real life experiences of the writer.
- I drink alcohol. As for the rest, it is pretty easy to find info about it on the web, so why run the risk of hitting an artery? I don't even like FLU shots, so get a life and change the subject! And get me some Whisky. And make that a bitter one. No ice, no lemon, just straight up.

A drawing of a man holding a gun to his head. The words underneath read: Altruistic Principle. PrincĂ­pio AltruĂ­sta.

A plastic bag no bigger than my hand. Full of air, like a too small pillow. It is used to prevent stuff from getting broken over the mail. I write a phrase in it and sign it and date it. It reads: Dream a little dream of me.

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