Monday, July 21, 2008

Generation 2000 against total chaos (part 173)

- Posição 2004: looking at the info. Next?
- Printed matter. Let's start with Amalia Giacomini. The label to her great white elastic grid installation mentions braided elastic as the material used. It is untitled, and dated 2004. Also, her name is written WITHOUT an acute accent, which is different from the way it is written everywhere else.
- OK. Next?
- Ana Angélica. Her label reads Ana Angélica Costa. It says the name of the work is Jacarepaguá, from the Windows Series (Série Janelas). 60 x 230 centimeters. Dated 2003. The beautiful pinhole images I've told you about.
- OK. Next?
- Daniel Biulchi. Casulo, which means Cocoon. Materials: wire, wax, wood and plastic dolls. 2002, 170 x 45 x 45 centimeters. That nice weird object that looked like it was made of chocolate.

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