Sunday, September 28, 2008

the good scientist

- How's the movie festival?
- Great! I saw this American documentary called Bi The Way, and it was very intense, and also very funny at times. One person who was a huge success was this kid who's eleven, and not sexually active yet. He is a very smart kid, and has some of the most funny, and even most mature lines of the film, probably, I don't know. People were laughing out loud. Another one who really moved me was a scientist doing a research on men that look pretty much heterosexual, but actually meet other men in parks to have sex behind the bushes. He seemed like he was not judging them at all, just observing and learning about that group, and he did something that really touched my heart, man!
- What was that?
- As he was being interviewed, he showed some of the park around, and told us about the routines of men who meet there, and stuff, and all the while, he was leaving condoms taped to the trees! Like: people might be so secret about it that they don't even buy condoms, to avoid rising suspicion, right? So here is this guy who gives them a choice to play safe! We even get to see some used condoms, like it really does work for some of the guys out there! That is a very kind man, I tell you! God bless him with all the good in the universe!

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