Monday, March 07, 2011

Really sincerely

- The problem is so many people show up for this Street Carnival and the bands are not amplified loud enough to be heard beyond a block so it ends up a tea party with people wearing costumes! You can't hear or see the band properly unless you get inside the mosh and the mosh is really not my thing anymore!
- You don't get it! Nine out of ten people are not here for the music!
- So why don't the idiots go straight to a brothel and get some ass or cock or whatever they really want and get the fuck off our Street Parties?!
- They want to hang around and believe themselves to be too hot for the others before they do it! And some are really sincerely looking for true love! Some are even looking for no-nonsense free sex!
- Let's go find some sex workers!
- Right on!

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