Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Give a friend the finger

- This should read: give a friend the finger!
- OK, but let me tell you: if you expect to change anything, this is a free country! But, if the change is gonna cost big money to big shots, they will make sure some fake accusation of kiddie porn dealing or drug trafficking land you in jail and oblivion in no time! That's how it works! They don't kill people anymore! They simply kill their social acceptance! Everything is fine, until they find a way to turn even your family and friends against you! They will do it, believe me! I've seen it happen to some friends that I can't be seen around anymore! People will avoid you like the plague! Then you will know who are your true friends! That's a group I'm not part of, really! I'm joking, but you will find I'm also telling you the truth, for I will refuse to even talk to you! It's like those friends that win the lottery and don't tell anyone and are never heard of again! And speaking of vanishing friends, have you seen Mary lately? I haven't seewn her in ages, man!
- Oh, haven't you heard? She won the lottery and ran off to Asia! Simply vanished!

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