Monday, October 16, 2006

the air conditioning is perfect

- I gotta find me a lesbian wife!
- You mean bisexual.
- No! I don't want to have sex with her! I just want to kiss her in public!
- Wait! You believe yourself to be bi because you like to KISS women, and nothing more? You're gay!
- That's for me to define! French kissing IS a sex act, so I am bi!
- Come on! That makes me bi, too! Remember that night I was on e and kissed Mary for hours? I enjoyed it! So that makes me 99.99% bi, right? No way!
- Well, you're standards are not my business! I want to meet you lesbian friends! Start spilling the info!
- Why would I do that to a friend? She would have to secretly meet women for the rest of her life!
- She will have a chamber maid! Surely you know some nice closet lesbian dominatrixes!

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