Monday, October 09, 2006

God is bizarre

- God is bizarre, really, like showing up in different places for different people. Plane flight simulators, collecting stamps, genital piercing, praying, materialistic philosophies, post-op transexuals who are gay, het guys who marry lesbians who will let them do nothing except lick their pussies, people who fuck up completely on drugs because that's how they feel closer to the mistery of life, men who give up sex and masturbation and just concentrate on work and talking, and people who go and live like hermits in nature and only have sex with goats, and people who never leave home and write stuff in blogs, and rich people who have their kicks traveling to the stratosphere, and poor people who like to fuck where they will be easily found out, and people who enjoy getting advice because they know they won't change a thing about their lives, and people who realise they should shut up and write their complaints in order to make it easier for others to ignore them, and people like me, who sometimes can't tell someone is hitting on them even if the person is almost jumping on their laps, and a zillion other ways to feel God!
- OK! I AM hitting on you! I love you! Now shut up and tongue my ass!

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