Thursday, October 26, 2006

let the children play

In my dream I went to this planet that shocked me the most: Children were having sex in groups, pairs, and solo everywhere, even in public. One of the natives explained it to me: they were restless and noisy, and since we don't have any contagious diseases in our planet, we decided to let them watch porn from the craddle. They are much happier now, and grow up to be quite sensible adults, like I might be an example of myself.
I asked him if there was any law prohibiting them from having sex with adults, and he told me the age of consent was 8 years old in most of the planet, except for some conservative isolated communities that drew the line at 10, and a country that said it was OK from 5. I was feeling dizzy by then, and he asked me if I wanted a comfort pill. He assured me it was tested and OK for earthlings and other 25 thousand space species, so I swallowed it, without any water. It was remarkably easy to swallow, like it had disappeared in my tongue. Then he told me there was a side effect: It might change my sex for some 48 hours. But he assured me I would look gorgeous as a female, and kissed me. I started laughing with joyful surprise, and woke up with a hard-on.

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